Discusses the difference between how a student might project themself in social software and on a web page. Also discusses some of the risks of on-line presence.
slides to take students through part of task of preparing portfolio - also addresses skills development (embedded in tasks)this week - self knowledge and using feedback
This share contains a set of slides intended to help Web Technology MSc students become acquainted with the research in IAM and so to choose a topic for their summer projects and dissertations.
These are the introduction slides for the Multimedia Systems Course in ECS. They introduce the unusual structure of the course (it is run as a student conference), and explains the shape and purpose of an academic conference.
Exercises, exam questions and solutions for a fourth year hyperbolic geometry course. Diagrams for the questions are all together in the support.zip file, as .eps files
The JModel suite consists of a number of models of aspects of the Earth System. The Java programmes model in detail aspects of the cycles of some major biogeochemical elements that exemplify the range of geochemical processes in marine environments.
This 4-minute video describes how to use the Turning Point Participant Monitor to review the performance of the whole group and individual students during a lecture.
This presentation explains how we move from a problem definition to an algorithmic solution using simple tools like noun verb analysis. It also looks at how we might judge the quality of a solution through coupling, cohesion and generalisation.