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GCU - 14'3'18 Jo Booth.mov
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GCU - 14'3'18 Jo Booth.mov
GCU - 14'3'18 Jo Booth.mov
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GCU Inaugural Professorial Lecture: To Pee or not to Pee, Changing the Paradigm of Continence Care.

In her lecture, Professor Booth explores developments in continence care and the effective management of urinary bladder symptoms in older adults and stroke survivors. Bladder problems are common in older adults, affecting more than half of older women and a third of older men. The symptoms can have a devastating effect on the person’s quality of life, severely affecting their family and social life. However, up to three-quarters of these people can be helped – or even cured – using simple approaches that support them to understand and self-manage their symptoms. New techniques are also being developed which can help sufferers to actively treat their symptoms. Using evidence from past and current research, Professor Booth explores older adults and stroke survivors’ experiences of bladder problems, and presents new approaches to treatments that could change how they are perceived in the future.

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