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Week 4 - Relational data modelling II: from ER diagrams to the data schema
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    Week 4 - Relational data modelling II: from ER diagrams to the data schema
    Week 4 - Relational data modelling II: from ER diagrams to the data schema
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    Week 4 - Relational data modelling II: from ER diagrams to the data schema

    In this week, we will cover the following topics: Optionality and cardinality. Types of relationships between different tables (one to many, many to one etc..). Keys: foreign keys and primary keys. Modelling time-dependent data. Physical design: data types and sequencing. … and will result in the following learning outcomes: An understanding of optionality and cardinality. An understanding of many-to-one, one-to-many kinds of relationships between data. Knowledge of how to accumulate time-relevant data into tables. An appreciation, from examples given, that databases are critical in the real world, e.g., for keeping freight systems in motion (and therefore our fridges stocked with food).

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