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8_ Prof Carol Tannahill, GCPH Symp - SD 480p.mov
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8_ Prof Carol Tannahill, GCPH Symp - SD 480p.mov
8_ Prof Carol Tannahill, GCPH Symp - SD 480p.mov
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GCPH 2013 Symposium: From Early Understanding to New Perspectives - Professor Carol Tannahill: Director GCPH

In the eighth session of the Symposium, Professor Carol Tannahill, Director of the Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH) presents a brief review of the entire Seminar Series which started in 2004. She talks about different lectures within the Series and the unique perspective these provide especially in relation to health. In this session, Professor Tannahill draws out two sets of issues, the first relates to the context in which we are living and working, the second set relates to some direct implications for the Centre’s work. Developed in collaboration with the International Futures Forum, the Seminar Series was one of the first outputs delivered by the newly established GCPH. The first Seminar was delivered in December 2004 by A.C. Grayling, the latest in February 2013 by Professor James Curran which represented the 50th Lecture in the ninth Series. Between 2004 and 2013, presenters have included economists, geographers, historians, meteorologists, public health academics and other academics, youth workers, representatives from the creative industries, campaigners and others.

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