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Virtual Educational Resource for the Biosciences (VERB) - Eutherians (pptx)
Slideshow Creative Commons: Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
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    Virtual Educational Resource for the Biosciences (VERB) - Eutherians (pptx)
    Virtual Educational Resource for the Biosciences (VERB) - Eutherians (pptx)
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    Virtual Educational Resource for the Biosciences (VERB) - Eutherians

    VERB is an online animal diversity resource designed to accompany undergraduate degrees in the Biosciences. In this package, entitled VERB Eutherians, the groups discussed are the living placental mammals. Contained are a series of web pages outlining the diversity of the eutherians from an evolutionary perspective. The topics of focus are phylogeny (evolutionary history) and functional anatomy, but subjects as wide as genetics, ecology, physiology, and developmental biology are discussed where relevant. This file is provided as na .elp file, allowing modification in eXe content packaging software, in addition to subsequent packaging in the desired format (e.g., IMS Content Package, Web Pages).

    Advice for reuse

    CC BY-SA 4.0 International. Recommended citation (Harvard): Chatterjee, H. (2019). ‘Virtual Educational Resource for the Biosciences (VERB) - Eutherians’. [OER] University College London, OER repository. London. URI: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/210/.

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