Slide to go with Panopto recording for MA Communication Design on best practice for mobile ui design and some basic JQuery Mobile Customisation.
Big thanks to
Jonathan Stark
Luke Wroblewski
Jared Spool
Without whom this would not have been made
More Open Education Resources (OER) and learning environments are being created and starting to mature and there are a number of barriers to learning and creator participation. One often overlooked barrier that has been given less attention, especially within OERs, is user experience (UX). UX is the way a person feels about using a product, system or service. We are creatures with emotional needs and, in the rush to get great content open and available sometimes the usability, the wow factor and good design principles get left by the wayside. I will demonstrate ways to think about UX for your OER and learning environments and why this is an important factor in helping engage learners with our educational materials.
‘The real payoff comes when we can make that remarkability last. When we can make people continually feel our work is worthy of discussion. When—for weeks, months, maybe even years— the people who engage with our work continue to sing its praises to everybody they meet’– (Jared Spool in Walter, A. Designing for Emotion).
Walter, A. (2011) Designing for Emotion, A Book Apart.
The web and how designers and artists should embrace services that enable social connections and a little on the impact this has on business models and society.
Slides on how to utilize the web to create an online portfolio using social network and tumblr. Also introduction to basic CMS's including indexhibit, for setting up a simple portfolio website.
Lecture on IA and webdesign (1 & 2 of 3).
Web 2 talk I reference Aral Balkan - talk video is included here from his presentation at the Norwegian developers conference.
Files related to two talks on Web Design History, Web Design Advertising and Promotion.
Session 1 - 1 hour lecture on the history of design on the web (30 mins) and web advertising direct and viral (30mins).
Session 2 - 1 hour lecture on using the web for promotion and marketing.
Slides for a Level 3 Digital Practice and Theory lecture on using CC, promoting your work and ways to get it out there, some demonstration on the economic value of sharing.
Week 0 induction for all new WSA students. Includes Details on iSolutions, WSA Technical Services, Workshop and Studio Professional practice and some basic Health and Safety guidance.
Short videos and Guides on how to print to various devices at WSA. Why 300dpi is important for printing, why PDF's are the defacto standard for printing and the how and where to get your files printed.
Materials on creating files and folders on the Mac Operating System (10.5 / Leopard).
Creating folders to organise your files is very important, this will help you to keep track of your work, create simple backups (making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event.) and much much more. Whatever computer you like using, they all work on the basic principle of using folders to organise files. Files and folder should have meaningful names do not use special Characters like
£$%&! and never use a ‘.’ except before a file extension.
It is best to start creating your folders in the documents (or my documents) folder and not on your desktop, it gets untidy.
This Share contains videos and links to help you get up to speed with blogging using Blackboard, Blackboard blogs are nice safe places to start blogging and although they don't look cool, there alright ! Then check out tumblr, wordpress or blogger to start blogging on your own in public !
Video on how to print to a Ricoh laser printer at WSA from a Mac, applies University wide just don't print WSA Colour or WSA Black & White if you are not WSA based.