Reminder of ECS academic integrity tutorial, scenarios for small group discussion on 1) academic integrity 2) integrity in the workplace. Students are invited to draw parallels between these two aspects.
Tuesday 6th May Building 34 room 3001, 16.15-18.00
Presenting: Groups: A, B, C, D
Marking Groups: E, F, G, H
16.20 Group A: The online workplace: virtuality
16.40 Group B: Open innovation and novel business practices
17.00Group C: Banter, jokes, freedom of speech and defamation
17.20 Group D: Security and privacy – legal overview
Monday 12th May Building 34 Room 3001, 12.00-13.45
Su & Rikki
Presenting: Groups: E, F, G, H
Marking Groups: I, J, K, L
Schedule and Topics
12.00-12.05: Introduction and protocol for the session
12.05-12.25 Group E: Creative commons, open source, open movements
12.25-12.45 Group F: Trolling, Banter, Cyber Hate, Online Bullying
12.45-13.05 Group G: Personal Privacy and Security
13.05-13.25 Group H: Crime online; cyber security
13.25-13.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Thursday 8th May Building 6 (Eustace) Room 1007, 15.00-16.40
Su & Elena
Presenting: Groups: I, J, K, L
Marking Groups: M, N, O, P
Schedule and Topics
15.00-15.05: Introduction and protocol for the session
15.05-15.25 Group I: Sustainablity – responsiblities and legislation
15.25-15.45 Group J: Green IT – solutions and benefits
16.45-16.05 Group K: Open and linked data
16.05-16.25 Group L: What is Web Science?
16.25-16.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Monday 12th May Building 34 Room 3001, 10.00-12.45
Su & Rikki
Presenting: Groups: Q, R, S, T
Marking Groups: U, V, W, X
Schedule and Topics
10.00-10.05: Introduction and protocol for the session
10.05-10.25 Group Q: Disablitites and rights – legal responsibilities
10.25-10.45 Group R: Computer Ethics, Professional bodies and accreditation
10.45-11.05 Group S: Digital divide
11.05-11.25 Group T: How the web is chaning the world:
co-operation, co-creation, crowd funding and crowd sourcing
11.25-11.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Thursday 15th May Building 02A Room 2077, 15.00-16.45
Elena & Rikki
Presenting: Groups: U, V, W, X
Marking Groups: A, B, C, D
Schedule and Topics
15.00-15.05: Introduction and protocol for the session
15.05-15.25 Group U: Digital Literacies
15.25-15.45 Group V: Will MOOCs destroy face-to-face University Education?
15.45-16.05 Group W: Groupwork and leadership skills in MMORPGs
16.05-16.25 Group X: Tools and techniques for agile project management
16.25-16.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Doctoral theses only. This should be completed in full and submitted with the final thesis once corrections have been approved by the examiners before an award can be made. This then accompanies the thesis into the research repository for public access.
Archaeological archives are excellent ex situ resources for learning, however it is generally acknowledged that they are traditionally underused due to a variety of complex factors. The present study investigates how this situation has changed over the past for museums in England with stored archaeological collections, particularly to what extent they are used as a learning tool for formal education in universities and informal education for adult learners today.
Forms and guidance documents for PGR students (PhD and MPhil). Also useful for supervisors and administrators. Click on an item in the collection, then 'download' to view it.