In May 2013 one of my online dissertation cohorts at Edge Hill achieved outstanding
results - 57% of students (n=47) obtained a First in the module.
This presentation will focus on my (the tutor’s) experience, outlining the approach
taken and the rationale – as well as reflecting on the experience since. The main tool
was a series of discussion boards (2,573 posts with over half the cohort engaging),
combined with web conferencing and student tracking. Colleagues have suggested one
of the main reasons for the success was my implicit belief that the technology would
benefit the student experience; perhaps my faith made it work?
I’ve taken this approach with other cohorts, and although the success has not been
replicated, anecdotal evidence (personal tutorials with parallel cohorts) indicates that
the open feedback given on discussion boards has had a significant impact on
outcomes. Also – the discussions have been used, retrospectively, by two students that
intercalated in 2013 – their grades being First / Iii.
A version of the Accessible and Inclusive Design session, created using iSpring. The recording's length is 11 minutes 23 seconds but users can click through at their own speed.
This short (10 minute) video provides students with an overview of the ways in which computers and the internet are used to support their learning. It introduces some really useful resources and shows you where to find help if you need it.
This resource provides examples of banners that are a good standard dimension for a Blackboard Learn course entry point banners. Use the templates to design your own banner images.
This guide will show you how to enhance your menu area within the default items already included. The two elements covered in this guide include linking the current Reading List item to your module reading list and linking the Subject Resources item to your subject page. All modules within Learning Edge should provide students with a link to their reading list and subject resources.
Guide on how to create an Assignment dropbox using the Blackboard assigment tool and managing the Grade Centre to release grades and feedback. Also inlcluded guidance on Smart View and Downloading Reports
This Share contains videos and links to help you get up to speed with blogging using Blackboard, Blackboard blogs are nice safe places to start blogging and although they don't look cool, there alright ! Then check out tumblr, wordpress or blogger to start blogging on your own in public !
This guide provides information on devices used and tested by Learning Services as being good to use with Balckboard Collaborate. It also links to Blackboard Collaborates best practice and support sites
This short (4 sides of A4) document provides advice to tutors about essential and recomended practices, organisational principles, blended learning, accessibility and copyright.
This document will help you make your organisation relevant, interesting and usable for participants. Take time to think about the Organisation structure.
This structure should reflect the participant needs and the Organisation goals, by checking against these basic elements, you are adhering to the good practice guidelines.
This document is intended to facilitate the effective implementation of the Learning Edge. The first few pages detail the roles and responsibilities of both faculty and central support staff with regard to course preparation and building. Subsequent pages are ‘Checklists’ for faculty staff in various roles and which are intended to support programme teams in their preparation for the new academic year.
A PowerPoint used to start a discussion about the nature of e-learning, and showing how Blackboard can be used to support independent learning by students.
This guide is also available at This version has been created with the extra metadata required to produce a Twitter Summary Card with Large Image when it is shared on Twitter.
This year’s report is informed by the findings of the 2014/15 survey and identifies and examines trends and system performance where there are direct comparisons to past surveys. The intention is to improve the student experience through a better understanding of what makes a good experience of TEL, and more importantly, what does not. It also provides an indicator of the extent to which the institutional VLE, Learning Edge, is integral to the learning experience of Edge Hill students.
For the 2013-14 Academic Year. This is a 'how-to' guide written to support the document 'Reassessment/Deferred Assessment: Summer 2014 - Arts & Sciences and Education Candidates' written by Helen Smallbone from Academic Registry.
The following document walks you through getting started with five essential skills and then building a course in Learning Edge/Blackboard 9.1 in 12 steps . It gives you a general overview of how to log in, add in tools, use the course menu and add files, links and more.
An A-Z user guide specific to PCE000124 – PGCERT SPLD (DYSLEXIA)
The guide covers how to log in, how to access the links in the course menu, make best use of the discussion boards and much more.
This guide will explain how to set up your course to enable non-enrolled users to view areas of content and selected tools within your course without the need to log in.
This document offers advice and good practice guidelines about simple, practical steps you can take to enhance the educational value of online resources and activities within Learning Edge to improve your students’ experience.
This quick guide explains how to hide a Grade Centre column for Turnitin Assignments, so that students cannot view their marks (until the setting is altered).
This toolkit is part of the Practice Learning Support Tool and it aims to provide you with three simple steps to facilitation of learning and assessment when working with learners in practice.
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Blackboard Full Grade Centre – Working Offline - YouTube