There are many different ways to communicate on-line now days from chat rooms, forums to e-mail, instant messaging, blogs and personal spaces. Some have clearly stated rules and some depend on unwritten codes of behaviour. Here are a few general tips provided that will hopefully make those occasions where learning and teaching are taking place more worthwhile.
Cardiovascular effects of exercise explained for the general public, including simulations, videos and scientific papers. Used to inform and provoke the general public live healthier and learn more.
The concepts explained can facilitate the teaching and learning process. Some of the concepts covered are: Risks factors and causes of cardiovascular disease. The way cardiovascular disease causes chronic kidney disease and problems with other organs such as the lungs. The videos created explaining heart adaptations can also be used to facilitate the teaching and learning process. The scientific blog can showcase the type of work first year Applied Medical Sciences, Cancer Biomedicine and Nutrition are expected to create.