Recording of the "Dissertation: Where to Start" webinar that was run online using Blackboard Collaborate on 26th November 2014.
Presentation slides/PPT are included.
Aimed at level 7 dissertation students to give them basic pointers for getting started with the dissertation and includes guidance on the literature review.
This dissertation was submitted as part of the MSc Infrastructure Investment and Finance at the University College London Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management. The dissertation is a study of the potential for an allocation to listed infrastructure to provide diversification against global equities.
These are the session resources for the Finding Information for Your Dissertation session that ran on 27th March 2014.
The first file is a full recording of the whole session. Watching this gives the closest experience to being in the session. Note that if you have trouble watching the YouTube video that we use in the session, you'll need to copy the URL for it from the chat box. This file will not work on mobile devices.
The second file is a HTML file called index.html. This opens an audio recording linked to the files. It might be useful if you cannot open the first file on your computer or mobile device.
The third option is a video of the main part of the screen from the session. Again this might be useful if you are on a mobile device.
The fourth option is an MP3 recording of the session.
Finally, the fifth file contains the presentation slides.
Archaeological archives are excellent ex situ resources for learning, however it is generally acknowledged that they are traditionally underused due to a variety of complex factors. The present study investigates how this situation has changed over the past for museums in England with stored archaeological collections, particularly to what extent they are used as a learning tool for formal education in universities and informal education for adult learners today.