‘Welcome’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 4’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘About’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Course Structure’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Core IOE LibGuides’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Course Readings’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 0’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 1’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 2’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 3’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
Information Literacy training resource for developing library research skills including constructing a research strategy, critically appraising information resources, locating journal articles, use of Google Scholar, e-Books, the Cochrane Library and managing information.
Brief guide providing information on the research tool for nursing and allied health professionals called CINAHL Complete. Includes basic information on connecting and searching, focusing results and includes links to further help on effective searching technique.
Information skills for first year social work students including locating and evaluating information resources via the library catalogue, e-Books, reading lists, finding journal articles and using a discovery tool - Discover More.
This course focuses on the centrality of the literature review in the dissertation/thesis and aims to develop the information and digital literacy skills of students. The full collection of materials is found here: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464.
This course focuses on the centrality of the literature review in the dissertation/thesis and aims to develop the information and digital literacy skills of students. The full collection of materials is found here: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464/. The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit.
A guide to using accessing and using Subject web pages, the library catalogue and Discover More to find electronic resources. For Foundation degree and HUG students.
Training resource for a refresher in literature searching and includes, appraising literature, evidence-based research, Google Scholar, grey literature and managing information in research.
This collection contains the presentation and resources for the plagiarism workshop, as well as a research paper (found alongside the presentation) which details the use of both.
This PPT presentation is used for the plagiarism prevention workshops as delivered by Nicole Brown and Rosalind Janssen. The slides take the audience through the different stages of the workshop, from the sorting activity through to the final plenary. For a detailed description of how to use the presentation, please, download the published article from http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1544425/
These are the resources that are used in face-to-face sessions in conjunction with the plagiarism workshop presentation. You may download the resources and use in your own teaching contexts.
Some tips and tricks to enhance literature search techniques, for librarians and researchers (especially in the health sector) who are interested in developing and testing their search strategies.