‘Welcome’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 4’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘About’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
A powerpoint with voiceover
An ispring presentation on accessing and using learning resources. Links to other presentations and learning services guides, web pages, etc.
‘Course Structure’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Core IOE LibGuides’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Course Readings’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 0’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 1’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 2’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
‘Week 3’ information from the Information and Literature Searching for MPhil/PhD Students guide (found at: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464). The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit/.
An interactive tutorial on how to reference books correctly. It begins with an example, and interactively draws the student through the stages of accessing the relevant information through to how to include the final citation in the bibliography. It concludes with a ‘test your knowledge’ set of activities.
When you view this object note that the panel on the left generated by the repository can be dragged sideways to view the learning object full screen.
Information Literacy training resource for developing library research skills including constructing a research strategy, critically appraising information resources, locating journal articles, use of Google Scholar, e-Books, the Cochrane Library and managing information.
Information Literacy training resource for developing library research skills including constructing a research strategy, critically appraising information resources, locating journal articles, use of Google Scholar, e-Books, and managing information.
This guide provides information about copyright and IPR. The full resource is found at https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/281 and the IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/copyright. Please also see the UCL Library Services pages on IPR: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/ucl-copyright-advice.
Prezi outlining planning and implementing an effective literature searching strategy. Covers search strategies, search techniques, saving and recording searches and citation searching.
Information skills for first year social work students including locating and evaluating information resources via the library catalogue, e-Books, reading lists, finding journal articles and using a discovery tool - Discover More.
Information literacy skills for health students including locating and evaluating information resources via the library catalogue, e-Books, reading lists, finding journal articles and using a discovery tool - Discover More.
Information skills for first year midwifery students including locating and evaluating information resources via the library catalogue, e-Books, reading lists, finding journal articles and using a discovery tool - Discover More.
This course focuses on the centrality of the literature review in the dissertation/thesis and aims to develop the information and digital literacy skills of students. The full collection of materials is found here: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464.
This course focuses on the centrality of the literature review in the dissertation/thesis and aims to develop the information and digital literacy skills of students. The full collection of materials is found here: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/464/. The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/onlineinfolit.
This is a Guardian article abut the JISC commissioned report: Information behaviour of the researcher of the future. UCL 2008 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/reppres/gg_final_keynote_11012008.pdf
The University of Southampton guide to research has been composed by the University’s academic librarians and is a gateway to resources listed by academic subject.
Training resource for a refresher in literature searching and includes, appraising literature, evidence-based research, Google Scholar, grey literature and managing information in library research.
The Open Content Literacy Frameworks aim to support the decision-making of staff wishing to explore, create, reuse or repurpose open digital teaching and learning content.
This version of the Framework for Open Content Literacy looks at the required skills, knowledge and competencies through the 'lens' of the SCONUL 7 Pillars model of Information Literacy.
Information and digital literacy skills package aimed at postgraduates, post-doctoral students and other researchers. Features revised copyright section to reflect the recent changes in the law and highlight OERs. The start file is called serve_home2.html. If you have any problems with it, please contact Marion Kelt at m.kelt@gcu.ac.uk I will be happy to help. Original package produced by Imperial College, London. Link provided is to the new, mobile friendly version of PILOT.
Powerpoint presentation summarising the results of a small scale literature review focusing on issues faced by developers of online information literacy resources.
PowerPoint presentation given at ECIL2016. Based on upcoming book chapter. Summarises results of mini literature review and presents an interpretation based on practical experience.
This collection contains the presentation and resources for the plagiarism workshop, as well as a research paper (found alongside the presentation) which details the use of both.
This PPT presentation is used for the plagiarism prevention workshops as delivered by Nicole Brown and Rosalind Janssen. The slides take the audience through the different stages of the workshop, from the sorting activity through to the final plenary. For a detailed description of how to use the presentation, please, download the published article from http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1544425/
These are the resources that are used in face-to-face sessions in conjunction with the plagiarism workshop presentation. You may download the resources and use in your own teaching contexts.
Recording of the "Right Referencing: Help with Harvard" webinar that was run online using Blackboard Collaborate on 19th March 2015. Presentation slides/PPT are included.
Online information literacy and communication skills package with more accessible menu and file structure. Added multimedia content. Start page in base directory, called start.html. Link provided is to the new mobile friendly version of this package.
SMIRK is a mobile friendly version of the online information literacy resource SMILE. It covers information literacy and communication skills, with added information on copyright and research skills.
Some tips and tricks to enhance literature search techniques, for librarians and researchers (especially in the health sector) who are interested in developing and testing their search strategies.