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[tool] Batch List
Number of items: 41.

COMP1004 Programming Principles
Justin Bradley . 08 Jan 2012 23:28

These are the resources used for the Computer Science course Programming Principles, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and object orientation via learning the Java language. We also touch on some software engineering basics, such as patterns, software design and testing. The course assumes no previous knowledge of programming, but there is a fairly steep learning curve, and students are encouraged to practice, practice, practice!

Event Driven Programming in Java
Justin Bradley . 12 Dec 2012 13:10

Event driven programming is a way of writing a program that works by responding to things happening (rather than executing a preplanned series of tasks). It is most often used to manage more advanced user interactions, such as GUI programs. In this session we look at how event driven programming works in Java GUIs, as both an introduction to events (using MouseListeners), and also to the way that GUI programs are constructed.

Explaination of ArrayList remove() Methods
Justin Bradley . 27 Oct 2011 14:11

In the example code you can see that when the remove(Object o) method is called the Integer is not cast to an int and the matching is done using the object's .equals() method rather than using ==

Introduction to JavaScript Programming
Justin Bradley . 12 Oct 2008 23:23

These are the resources for an introductory lecture in JavaScript programming. Exercises are provided to practice simple JavaScript programming, including a template for a DHTML implementation of Conway's Game of Life (with encrypted solution).

Java path setting batch file
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2013 08:10

This is a batch file written to help students on ECS' Programming 1 course (COMP1202) using iSolutions machines which have the JDK, but do not add it to the PATH variable, making compilation from the command line difficult. It attempts to find the JDK directory and add it to the Windows PATH. The code is as follows: @SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java @FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /B "%JAVA_HOME%\JDK*"') DO @SET JDK_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\%%G @SET PATH=%JDK_HOME%\bin;%PATH% @javac -version @echo. @echo %JDK_HOME%\bin successfully added to Windows PATH @echo. @echo Now type 'javac'. @echo. @echo. @echo. @CMD

Lecture 1 - Starting out
Justin Bradley . 26 Sep 2008 13:59

What is Programming? A useful definition Object Orientation (and it’s counterparts) Thinking OO Programming Blocks Variables Logic Data Structures Methods

Lecture 2 - Java
Justin Bradley . 27 Aug 2008 10:29

Programming Overview The JVM (The Java Virtual Machine) A brief look at Structure Class Method Statement Magic incantations main() output Coding a Dog Programming Principle(1) If and Boolean operations Coding a Bank Account Quick look at ToolBox

Lecture 3 - Objects Ahoy
Justin Bradley . 24 Sep 2008 11:27

Variables - Objects and Primitives, Quick look at scope

Lecture 4 - Methods and Stuff
Justin Bradley . 24 Sep 2008 11:33

Banking Parameters and arguments Passing Objects Primitives Returning Getters and Setters

Lecture 5 - Constructors
Justin Bradley . 24 Sep 2008 11:31

Constructors With one parameter With two parameters Overloading Constructors and methods

Lecture 7 - Going Loopy
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:01

Looping while do while for Arrays indexes For each loop

Lecture 8 - über-Arrays
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:03

ArrayList ArrayList vs Array Declaration Insertion Access Removal Wrapper classes Iterator object

Lecture 12 - Scope
Justin Bradley . 26 Sep 2008 13:58

Instance Variables Local variables Cool 3D Modelling! “this” keyword

Lecture 13 - It runs in the family
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:07

Inheritance Code duplication Super classes Constructors Polymorphic collections “Anywhere a super class is, a sub class can go” Casting A great deception

Lecture 14 - Exploring Polymorphism
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:08

Which methods are where? Overriding Calling super’s methods Coupling and cohesion

Lecture 15 - Interface this
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:09

A quick word about abstract How a class interfaces Making Pets The Deadly Diamond of Death Interfaces (not interfaces)

Lecture 16 - I can't hear you through the static
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:11

Static Types of methods Instance Static Example Calling Static methods Why Static Final

Lectures 17 and 18 - Exceptions - when it all goes wrong
Justin Bradley . 25 Sep 2008 14:12

Exceptions An Example The Throws keyword Try and Catch The flow Multiple exceptions Finally How exceptions are thrown What the complier checks Handle or Defer Recovery Writing your own

Programming Principles: Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Justin Bradley . 23 Nov 2011 10:30

In this session we look at how to use Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Object Oriented Design - especially as a way to get all the advantages of multiple inheritance without any of the problems.

Programming Principles: Collections and Iterators
Justin Bradley . 25 Oct 2011 08:54

In this session we look at how we can use collection objects like ArrayList as a more advanced type of array. We also introduce the idea of generics (forcing a collection to hold a particular type) and see how Java handles the autoboxing and unboxing of primitives. Finally we look at Iterators, a common design pattern for dealing with iteration over a collection.

Programming Principles: Computational Thinking
Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2011 11:54

In this session we look at how to think systematically about a problem and create a solution. We look at the definition and characteristics of an algorithm, and see how through modularisation and decomposition we can then choose a set of methods to create. We also compare this somewhat procedural approach, with the way that design works in Object Oriented Systems,

Programming Principles: Conclusions
Justin Bradley . 03 Jan 2012 13:39

This is the revision session for our Programming Principles course. We take a whistle-stop tour of the topics covered in the course, look at the three pillars of object oriented programming, and look ahead to the exam.

Programming Principles: Encapsulation and Constructors
Justin Bradley . 24 Oct 2011 10:57

In this session we look at the public and protected keywords, and the principle of encapsulation. We also look at how Constructors can help you initialise objects, while maintaining the encapsulation principle.

Programming Principles: Introduction to Java
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2011 20:20

In this lecture we look at key concepts in Java: how to write, compile and run Java programs, define a simple class, create a main method, and use if/else structures to define behaviour.

Programming Principles: Loops and Arrays
Justin Bradley . 25 Oct 2011 08:51

In this session we look at the different types of loop in the Java language, and see how they can be used to iterate over Arrays.

Programming Principles: Methods
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2011 11:36

In this session we look at how to create more powerful objects through more powerful methods. We look at parameters and call by value vs. call by reference; return types; and overloading.

Programming Principles: Polymorphism
Justin Bradley . 15 Nov 2011 10:15

In this session we build on inheritance and look at overriding methods and dynamic binding. Together these give us Polymorphism - the third pillar of Object Oriented Programming - and a very powerful feature that allows us to build methods that deal with superclasses, but whose calls get redirected when we pass in sub-classes.

Programming Principles: Starting Out
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2011 12:56

In this lecture we describe the structure of the Programming Principles course at Southampton, look at the definitions and paradigms of programming, and take a look ahead to the key things that we will be covering in the weeks ahead.

Programming Principles: The Java Library
Justin Bradley . 31 Oct 2011 23:47

In this session we point you at the Java Library, and go into some more details on how Strings work. We also introduce the HashMap class (a very useful type of collection).

Programming Principles: Variables, Primitives, Objects and Scope
Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2011 11:48

In this session we look more closely at the way that Java deals with variables, and in particular with the differences between primitives (basic types like int and char) and objects. We also take an initial look at the scoping rules in Java, which dictate the visibility of variables in your program

Week 1 - Introduction to object-orientated programming.
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:05

Programming 1 - Week 1 Introduction to object-orientated programming

Week 11 - Case Study: Completing the program
Justin Bradley . 21 Mar 2017 16:08

In this final increment we will complete the GCU adventure game. This means we have to meet the following requirements that were not met in the previous increments: The sequence of turns should repeat until a command is given to quit At each turn, the player can type a command to specify the action which he or she wants to take during that turn The player should be able to ask for help during any turn instead of navigating Meeting these requirements will give a program that behaves like a game and allows the player to engage and interact with the game. It is worth noting that although the game is a very simple one which is not really fun to play, the model we have built, using sound object oriented principles and practices, would provide a solid basis for the development of a more complex and interesting version of the game.

Week 2 - Writing Java Code
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:16

Programming 1 - Week 2 Writing Java Code

Week 3 - Creating a Java Class
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:23

Programming 1 - Week 3 Creating a Java Class

Week 4 - Adding Methods to a Class
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:29

Programming 1 - Week 4 Adding Methods to a Class

Week 5 - Object Interaction
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:55

Programming 1 - Week 5 Object Interaction

Week 6 - Writing Methods
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 13:16

Programming 1 - Week 6 Writing Methods

Week 7 - Algorithms and method calls
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 13:41

Programming 1 - Week 7 Algorithms and method calls

Week 8 - Case Study: Creating an object-orientated program
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:49

Programming 1 - Week 8 Case Study: Creating an object-orientated program

Week 9 - Case Study: Developing, testing and documentation classes.
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 15:58

Programming 1 - Week 9 Case Study: Developing, testing and documentation classes.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 28 15:38:30 2025 UTC.