Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series February 4th 2010 featuring Danvers Baillieu and Barry Vitou from Bootlaw, who are lawyers and offer legal advice to start-ups.
Over the past year there has been much rhetoric on regulation, particularly in the Westminster Parliament regarding the need for deregulation. Professor James Curran MBE and Chief Executive Officer of the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) discusses regulation from the perspective of regulation being good for the individual as well as for business. In this lecture, Professor Curran talks about new and better ways of delivering regulation, ways that involve every single one of us and make us all healthier and happier.
As part of this year’s research theme on ‘Lies’, the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies hosted a panel discussion on the present and future of defamation law. How can the law best protect rights of speech and of privacy in a digital age? Has the Defamation Act of 2013 allowed for the publication of truths, opinions honestly held, or speech in the public interest? How has a new standard of harm respected the rights of the claimants and defendants in practice?
The law is traditionally centered around the norm of an able-bodied, competent, independent, self-sufficient and autonomous man. This creates a legal systems which privileges the values of autonomy, privacy and bodily integrity.