This collection contains all the details you need to be able to download books from Ebrary in the University Library Catalogue to your own portable device (see for compatible devices). You can then 'loan' the eBooks for a fortnight and can always loan any items again after that time.
You won't get fined as the eBook is returned on time for you and you can read the eBook offline, so you don't require an active internet connection.
This guide explains how to find out whether an individual piece of music is found within the complete works of a composer or within a thematic collected edition.
Created for students on the PG CAP This video demonstrates a search for journal articles on ProQuest Education Journals, British Education Index and ERIC.
The University of Southampton guide to research has been composed by the University’s academic librarians and is a gateway to resources listed by academic subject.
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Going through the library also ensures you are signed in for the best way to find full text.