This is a step-by-step guide on how to get a transcript from a YouTube video. Note that transcripts are only available for videos that have closed captions
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing content of the following video recording: Technology Supported Learning - Lecture Capture (Classic User) - YouTube link:
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Blackboard Ally - Preview and Highlights update 2019 - YouTube link:
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Blackboard Full Grade Centre – Working Offline - YouTube
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching" - YouTube link:
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto – Student Voice.
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice – (Accessible Exam) The Student Voice.
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Tutoring".
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Tutoring_The Student Voice".
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Technology Supported Learning - Lecture Capture (Student Observation) - YouTube link:
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Using Panopto to produce "How to" resources - MS Word - YouTube.
This list was generated on Fri Feb 28 16:38:57 2025 UTC.