This document contains a list of personal attributes which you will need to be able to demonstrate throughout your career. You will also be able to prepare for creating a CV by beginning to evidence your personal attributes and the description of the circumstances in which the attributes were demonstrated in a tabular form.
This is a guide to the advanced features of EndNote X6 when operating on the MAC platform. It includes download strategies for a wide range of databases and a guide to synchronising the desktop library with EndNote web
Event driven programming is a way of writing a program that works by responding to things happening (rather than executing a preplanned series of tasks). It is most often used to manage more advanced user interactions, such as GUI programs. In this session we look at how event driven programming works in Java GUIs, as both an introduction to events (using MouseListeners), and also to the way that GUI programs are constructed.
This presentation discusses the role and purpose of testing in the systems/Software Development Life Cycle. We examine the consequences of the 'cost curve' on defect removal and how agile methods can reduce its effects. We concentrate on Black Box Testing and use Equivalence Partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis to construct the smallest number of test cases, test scenarios necessary for a test plan.
Web 3.0 - Future Technology Awareness
By Team "Time Management":
Alejandro Saucedo - Video & Flyer
Stephen Griffith - Website
James Crickmere - Research
Jack Kanani - Dictionary
In this era you cannot afford being tech-illiterate as it is literally everywhere! This is why we did thorough research on the future of technology - Web 3.0! You can find all our resources at
a video called “Do You Know the Equality Act”. The video is aimed at undergraduate and A level students.
This was produced by 17 and our name is “The 8 Team”. The group consists of Elizabeth Bolton, Aisha Guba, Zoe Butler, Caroline Lee, Yingyi Emily Liu, George Lovegrove and Annie Relfe. Our content is based on the topic of legal awareness through
Web Science - Group 15 created an interactive infographic which informs prospective applicants about the new Web Science undergraduate degrees offered at the University of Southampton, starting in October 2013. Web Science as a new and exciting field of research is also briefly outlined, supported by two video interviews with Dr Les Car, a web scientist.
This presentation describes the evolution of SDLCs from the first formally proposed linear models including, the Waterfall (Royce 1970) through to iterative prototyping models (Spiral and Win-Win Spiral) and incremental, iterative models used in Agile Methods. We discuss the problems iinherent in ech prpoosal and how successive models attempt to solve them.
Augmented Reality: Past, present and future. An Educational Video on Digital Futures Awareness: Augmented Reality. Designed to be informative and entertaining.
These are the resources for an introductory lecture in JavaScript programming, intended to support use of node.js and divorced from browser programming.
Learning Services ran a short online survey in Summer 2012 to obtain staff feedback on their experience of classroom AV and/or accessing technical support over the telephone or via a call out from one of our technical teams on the Ormskirk campus. The survey also explored staff ideas for improvements to AV provision and its support. The report outlines the survey findings and describes the next steps in acting on what we have learned.
Slideshow demonstrating different types of possible resource. The presentation explains at the same time, some of the working methods which might be used when deciding upon format and researching exemplar resources
Set of briefs used to select focus of activity in coursework 2
Copy of questions you will need to answer to make your selection for topic allocation
Link to online Google form where you enter your choices etc.
In this session we look at UML Class Diagrams and how they fit into both the family of UML models, and also the software engineering process. We look at some basic features of class diagrams including properties, operations, associations, generalisation, aggregation and composition.
LabVIEW files for a DQPSK transmitter and receiver. These files use the NI USRP as transmitter and receiver, where one USRP transmits data and another USRP acts as a receiver. These files are needed for the "NI USRP Lab: DQPSK Transceiver Design" lab available on EdShare.
Slides from guest lecture, provides an overview of current UK legislation, explores perceptions and attitudes and how legislation affects the role of the IT professional.
In this session we look at how to model flow of control and interactions between components using UML Activity and Sequence Diagrams. This is an introductory session and so for Activity Diagrams we only cover branching, forks and joins and swim lanes, and for Sequence we cover lifelines, messages and returns, and alt, par and opt frames.
Detailed guidance in creating and managing a library, downloading information from a range of external resources, and use of advanced citation tools in Word, including synchronisation with EndNote Web for maximum flexibility of use
Published on Jun 7, 2012 by icocomms
This ICO training video helps answer questions about the Data Protection Act, its impact on the working environment and how to handle and protect people's information. (Produced by Central Office of Information, Crown Copyright 2006)
In this lecture we cover how UML Use Cases can be used for requirements capture. We look at the anatomy of a Use Case Description, and the way in which use cases can be brought together in a use case diagram. We also look at the way that use cases can be derived from problems using noun verb analysis.
This is a rough 1 take demo on basic editing - but I managed to replicate a bug so uploaded for Developers to view.
Please download the video for better quality.
This is video link to Jodie's talk: Exploitation in Communicative Capitalism from earlier this year which deals critically with blogging in relation to free-market economy.
One of the things about Apple's walled garden iBooks system is the only way to share what you've created in iBooks Author is via the iPad or a PDF preview... So, for those of you who haven't got an iPad... but don't try clicking on the videos or the slideshows.
A guide to using accessing and using Subject web pages, the library catalogue and Discover More to find electronic resources. For Foundation degree and HUG students.
Several times a year Blackboard release Service Packs to add functionality to, or fix bugs in, Blackboard.
The latest Service Pack that we have tested, Service Pack 8 (SP8), was applied in July and in this session we cover the changes that we think it is worth academic staff being aware of. Note that all these changes relate to the Web interface, rather than the Mobile App’s interface.
This document sets out the Department of Law & Criminology’s (DLC) guidelines and standards for acceptable legal writing on all law programmes. If you follow this advice, you cannot be open to criticism. If you do not, you may be criticised, and you may have marks deducted.
The document contains advice for appropriate style for legal writing, the use of sources, the presentation of bibliographies and the required “house style” for referencing.
A word document outlining EHU resources for students at Partner Colleges, Outreach students and Edge Hill Distance Learners providing links to relevant documents, forms and web pages.
This Collection for tutors contains quick guides and web links to Blackboard Collaborate (classic version) on-line resources. The collection also includes guides on Elluminate Publish Video Conversion Software.
"Web 4 All" promotes digital inclusion at the University of Southampton through a process set up to deliver web products that are accessible, usable and enjoyable to use.
This is a sample visualization of contributions to The visualization was created from data from the OAI endpoint using gource. The data is divided by dc:subject classification. The idea was taken from Martin Hawksey's blog post
This document details the legal agreement that conference participants will need to sign so that the University can video, stream and store recordinsg of the sessions.
More Open Education Resources (OER) and learning environments are being created and starting to mature and there are a number of barriers to learning and creator participation. One often overlooked barrier that has been given less attention, especially within OERs, is user experience (UX). UX is the way a person feels about using a product, system or service. We are creatures with emotional needs and, in the rush to get great content open and available sometimes the usability, the wow factor and good design principles get left by the wayside. I will demonstrate ways to think about UX for your OER and learning environments and why this is an important factor in helping engage learners with our educational materials.
‘The real payoff comes when we can make that remarkability last. When we can make people continually feel our work is worthy of discussion. When—for weeks, months, maybe even years— the people who engage with our work continue to sing its praises to everybody they meet’– (Jared Spool in Walter, A. Designing for Emotion).
Walter, A. (2011) Designing for Emotion, A Book Apart.
This collection provides information for Participants and links to Blackboard Collaborate (classic version) on-line resources.
NB. On clicking the 'View' link for on-line documents, choose 'Close this frame' at the top of the next screen to see the document.
This resource links to an on-line document:
Blackboard Collaborate On-demand Learning Web Conferencing Guide.
NB. On clicking 'View' choose 'Close this frame' at the top of the next screen to see the on-line document.
This resource links to an on-line document:
Blackboard Collaborate On-demand Learning Web Conferencing Guide.
NB. On clicking 'View' choose 'Close this frame' at the top of the next screen to see the on-line document.
This resource links to an on-line document:
Blackboard Collaborate On-demand Learning Web Conferencing Guide.
NB. On clicking 'View' choose 'Close this frame' at the top of the next screen to see the on-line document.
News Report: Every Potential 2040 President Already Unelectable Due To Facebook:YouTube fake American news item (2min 39secs) in which all possible candidates are excluded because of something they show on Facebook.
Could your Facebook page ruin your job prospects? - A Guardian article that suggests that employers may be more tolerant than supposed.
A 44 minute introduction to the concepts of equivalent circuits, voltage regulation and per unit notation by Prof Jan Sykulski of the University of Southampton.
This was my keynote presentation at Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2012, in Porto. It looks at the importance of digital literacies and how VLEs do not support their developmeng and looks at iPLEs as an alternative.
A presentation to accompany the DevECS Revision Control talk being held on the 25th April 2012.
This talk covers basic git usage ensuring that users can make the most of revision control with no previous use.
Linked Open data – a platform for modern science, engineering, education and business.
In the more recent talk, Sir Nigel Shadbolt speaks about "The Value of Openess - The Open Data Institute and Publically Funded Open Data" during the Natural History Museum of London Informatics Horizons event.
An introduction to Vim and why I use it. This resource is the precursor to a technical walk through and code along using vim.
During the talk I handed round a cheat sheet for vim which can be found at
You can find full documentation and a lot more indepth examples in the vim documentation:
This quick guide for staff explains how to setup a Collaborate virtual classroom, create a link in Blackboard 9.1 and make the room available to participants.
A compiled JAR of the OpenImaj WebTools module. You can download this and run it straight away. See and for further details
Contains guides and resources to Prezi both created at Edge Hill an from the wider Prezi community. Note that linking is preferred over hosting other users content. Please be sure to attribute all work - and ask for permission if re-use options are not specified. All Edge Hill staff are able to edit this collection.
This document has been created to introduce you to:
- the variety of names used to refer to ‘Clicker’ systems
- a number of potential uses for the systems
- specific makes of system supported by Learning Technology Development, and which might be best for you
- the scholarly literature related to using Clickers and similar tools
An A-Z user guide specific to SENCo National Award.
The guide covers how to log in, how to access the links in the course menu, make best use of the discussion boards and much more.
A collection of course development examples to guide the creation and presentation of aesthetic course content.
The resource is a collaborative production from the SENCO Programmes Team and Irfan Mulla, Learning Technology Development.
A checklist to guide course development practices which consider approaches which are dyslexia friendly.
The resource is a collaborative production from the Dyslexia Programmes Team and Irfan Mulla,
Learning Technology Development.
The Open Content Literacy Frameworks aim to support the decision-making of staff wishing to explore, create, reuse or repurpose open digital teaching and learning content.
This version of the Framework for Open Content Literacy looks at the required skills, knowledge and competencies through the 'lens' of the SCONUL 7 Pillars model of Information Literacy.
Several drivers are changing the way teachers develop, store and share their learning materials: policy, technology, Web 2.0 developments, repositories and communities of practice around open educational resources to name a few.
This Framework for Open Content Literacy aims to support the decision-making of staff wishing to explore, create, reuse or repurpose open digital teaching and learning content.
This is a version of a seminar/keynote talk I have given a few times. It argues that VLEs are no longer fit for purpose and that students should learn to take responsibility for their own toolsets.
Covers HTML5 design principals and key changes. Outlined are new and retired elements, changes to forms and media support. This lecture then also covers key changes to CSS3 and JavaScript which support the development and implementation of HTML5
Unpicking and understanding if and how the web is linked to inequality means:
Recognising that the access divide is not over, Thinking beyond hardware, Thinking beyond demographic variables, Developing a conceptual and theoretical toolkit, Beyond technological determinism, Co-constitution, Intersectionality, Technical capital
This collection contains all the details you need to be able to download books from Ebrary in the University Library Catalogue to your own portable device (see for compatible devices). You can then 'loan' the eBooks for a fortnight and can always loan any items again after that time.
You won't get fined as the eBook is returned on time for you and you can read the eBook offline, so you don't require an active internet connection.
The TEL PD Framework views the 6 areas of activity described in the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education through its core knowledge ‘lens’ of the use of appropriate learning technologies.
The Student eLearning Survey was first introduced in 2008 as a means of exploring the learner perspective of technology-enhanced learning at Edge Hill University. Key trends identified over 4 years of surveys relate to growing ownership of mobile technologies and increased use of student-owned technologies in the University's WI-FI spaces. There has been increased adoption year on year of online submission and return of student assignments. The importance students place on online submission and return has also increased.
This animation was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
For more information on Sir Ken's work visit:
The Web offers new possibilities to link remote and rural places into economic, political and social activities in ways that transcend earlier restrictions of distance. Dyroy Kommune, off the northern coast of Norway, welcomes Web Science students to undertake research on its digital strategy.
This lecture introduces an array of data sources that can be used to create new applications and visualisations, many examples of which are given.
Additionally, there are a number of slides on open data standards, freedom of information requests and how to affect the future of open data.
This guide is aimed at those who use Firefox as their preferred web browser and describes how you can customise the way you see web pages by changing the fonts and colours.
This is one of the finest examples of a cambiata voice I have come across in recent times. Inigo Byrne was a former cathedral chorister who left the choir at the time his voice was entering the early stages of change. His singing coach for this professional recording pitched the Mozart Ave Verum, not in its normal key of D major, but a fourth down in A major. This was not a deliberate attempt to be cambiata - but simply the correct pitch to get the best from the voice. This illustrates perfectly the principle that in cambiata singing, the song must fit the voice, not the voice the song. The second extract is the opening of the Enya song May it Be from Lord of the Rings. It's included because it captures the resonance of the cambiata tone that would be missing were the singer to be struggling to retain his treble voice. It was partly on the strength of this album, My World, (Belerion label) that we chose Inigo to feature in the Boys Keep Singing film Riding the Changes.
These worksheets are formative assessment for the Numerical Methods modules MATH3018 and MATH6111 (some material is only covered in MATH3018). Intended to back up both the theory and the coding (in Matlab) side
A brief skim through educational theory intended for students registered on a single module in Technology Enhanced Learning. Startes with Blooms taxonomy, travles through instructivism and constructivism and on to theories of motivation/
This lecture outlines the decisions which need to be made early in a software project regrading the management of a professional sustainable software product or website. This lecture looks at the many different platforms and languages that can be used on these and outlines the differences between interpreted and "native" languages. We also outline the importance of using revision control systems properly and how these are essential for both distribution and supporting of software. Finally this lecture describes how to build a package for the Debian Linux platform.
What are Rich Apps? How can students develop their career prospects as well as develop software? This lecture describes the aims and objectives of the course, and gives an outline of the first assessment.
Three short clips in which two thirteen year old boys perform the treble duet from Greene's Lord, Let Me Know Mine End. The first is as it would have been heard at cathedral evensong. The second is the dry studio recording of the lower voice only (the "evensong" was virtual - the second voice was dubbed on and the two boys never met each other!). In this recording it is clear that the lower voice is in stage 3 of change. Although singing treble, the boy isn't really a treble any more. You can hear a clear passagio point on the E5 on the word "tell". This would be unlikely in an unchanged voice. The final clip is the folk song Waly Waly, which was recorded at the same time, but pitched down in the cambiata range. The boy (and his mother) was surprised by the resonance of the new voice that is sitting under the old treble here, but many English trebles never experience this, continuing in falsetto until they stop singing.
The first performance of this folk song is by a primary school boys' choir. The second is by trained cathedral choristers. A key point to note is that the primary school boys have unchanged voices, whereas the choristers, who on average are two years older, will have voices that have begun to change.
These are the resources used for the Computer Science course Programming Principles, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and object orientation via learning the Java language. We also touch on some software engineering basics, such as patterns, software design and testing. The course assumes no previous knowledge of programming, but there is a fairly steep learning curve, and students are encouraged to practice, practice, practice!
This is the revision session for our Programming Principles course. We take a whistle-stop tour of the topics covered in the course, look at the three pillars of object oriented programming, and look ahead to the exam.
This list was generated on Fri Feb 28 16:33:38 2025 UTC.