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OWLTEH18 poster [pdf]
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    OWLTEH18 poster [pdf]
    OWLTEH18 poster [pdf]
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    Open Education at UCL: sharing and showcasing our educational output

    Poster submission made to the 'Learning on and with the Open Web' conference - a Mozilla Festival fringe event - held in Coventry, UK on 25 October 2015 (http://conf.owlteh.org/contributions/published/open-education-at-ucl/). The poster summarises the work of the UCL Open Education project so far, plans for the following year, and the project’s goals and intended outcomes, including how openness/connectedness contributes to teaching and learning.

    Advice for reuse

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Please cite the author as 'UCL Open Education' if reusing.


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