A collection of teaching materials taken from a Master's level module at University College London with a focus on the digital humanities and electronic publishing. The header page with a list of contents and links is at: http://ucloer.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/34.
The materials here were originally constructed as part of a project titled 'OER Digital Humanities (DHOER)' at University College London, funded under the UK Open Educational Resources, phase II, Ai: release strand (06/10) in 2011 by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Jisc.
The 'Electronic publishing - full.7z' zipped folder contains all of the collection items in open document formats.
This zipped folder contains all of the 'Electronic publishing' collection items.
This is a collection of teaching materials taken from a Master's level module at University College London with a focus on the digital humanities and electronic publishing. The header page with a list of contents and links is at: http://ucloer.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/34 and the full collection can be viewed at http://ucloer.eprints-hosting.org/33/.
The materials here were originally constructed as part of a project titled 'OER Digital Humanities (DHOER)' at University College London, funded under the UK Open Educational Resources, phase II, Ai: release strand (06/10) in 2011 by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Jisc.
Doctoral theses only. This should be completed in full and submitted with the final thesis once corrections have been approved by the examiners before an award can be made. This then accompanies the thesis into the research repository for public access.
Poster submission made to the 'Learning on and with the Open Web' conference - a Mozilla Festival fringe event - held in Coventry, UK on 25 October 2015 (http://conf.owlteh.org/contributions/published/open-education-at-ucl/). The poster summarises the work of the UCL Open Education project so far, plans for the following year, and the project’s goals and intended outcomes, including how openness/connectedness contributes to teaching and learning.
This presentation is taken from a Master's level module, 'Electronic publishing', taught at the Department of Information Studies, University College London. The header page for this collection of resources is at: http://ucloer.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/33.
Forms and guidance documents for PGR students (PhD and MPhil). Also useful for supervisors and administrators. Click on an item in the collection, then 'download' to view it.