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tensorial notation, Eulerian and Lagrangian flow and Navier-Stokes equations
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    tensorial notation, Eulerian and Lagrangian flow and Navier-Stokes equations
    tensorial notation, Eulerian and Lagrangian flow and Navier-Stokes equations
    viscous flow and pdes using separation of variables
    viscous flow and pdes using separation of variables
    Hagen-Poseuille discharge formula and second order odes
    Hagen-Poseuille discharge formula and second order odes
    viscous flow using cylindrical polar coordinates and second order odes
    viscous flow using cylindrical polar coordinates and second order odes
    boundary-layer equations of flow and odes
    boundary-layer equations of flow and odes
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    MA311exam 1998 pdf

    Exam questions and solutions in PDF


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