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GCU - 10.4.18 - Nicola Andrew.mov
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GCU - 10.4.18 - Nicola Andrew.mov
GCU - 10.4.18 - Nicola Andrew.mov
(Video (QuickTime))
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GCU Inaugural Professorial Lecture: Academic Identity in Nursing, are we There Yet?

In her lecture, Professor Andrew examines aspects of academic identity, exploring a contemporary conception of nursing as an academic and professional discipline. Nurses need professional and academic capability to adapt to changing circumstances and to survive and thrive in unfamiliar and challenging contexts and environments. The way we achieve capability is through education. Professor Andrew asserts that society needs nurses who are both academically and clinically able. She will explore the argument that nurses should not only be immersed in the concept of compassionate caring, but also socially aware and politically savvy; able to influence government policy and impact on the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve.

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