Video produced by Martin Wesch with his students in their Digital Ethnography Class at Kansas State University. Looks at way in which students experience Higher Education. Further information can be found at
You may particularly want to look at a response "A Vision of Professors Today (by Sandra)"
This tutorial is produced by the Engineering Communications Centre at the University of Toronto. It contains detailed guidance on various aspects of report writing.
This is a 5-minute narrated video that shows students how to assemble Dean and Stark distillation apparatus. It is in Flash Movie format and the ZIP file contains everything required - simply upload it to Blackboard as a package file, unpack it and use dean-and-stark.htm as the start page.
This is a Guardian article abut the JISC commissioned report: Information behaviour of the researcher of the future. UCL 2008
These materials are used in student tutorials as part of the routes to success course. The tutorials are typically delivered to a large group (~50) in an interactive manner, with the slides serving as reference/check materials. Some of the questions in the slides can also be used as individual handouts
Poster for the Learning Societies Laboratory, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton Open Day, Wednesday 27 February 2008.
Organic Molecules: Depiction of Structure - The Basics. Powerpoint presentation of A Level revision material for 1st year undergraduates written by Jeremy Hinks, School of Chemistry in 2002.
In this unit we continue with our work on matrices. We describe how to calculate the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix and introduce the condition for the existence of an inverse matrix. A formula for calculating the inverse of a 2 x 2 matrix is presented supported by examples. Some applications of matrices in the real-world are then given, including solving linear systems of algebraic equations, computer graphics, cryptography and the modelling of graphs and networks.
This unit provides an introduction to vectors. We begin by defining what is meant by the term vector and describe how we distinguish vectors from scalars. The main properties of vectors are presented and the concept of a position vector is introduced. We then look at operations on vectors such as addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication both algebraically and graphically. The idea of a unit vector is introduced and we look at how to express the position vector of a point, in two and three dimensions, in Cartesian components using the standard unit vectors in the directions of the coordinate axes. The unit closes with a look at how to calculate the scalar (dot) product of two vectors.
This unit introduces the theory and application of mathematical structures known as matrices. With the advent of computers matrices have become widely used in the mathematical modelling of practical real-world problems in computing, engineering and business where, for example, there is a need to analyse large data sets.