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Week 2 - Introducing the Relational Approach To Data
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    Week 2 - Introducing the Relational Approach To Data
    Week 2 - Introducing the Relational Approach To Data
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    Week 2 - Introducing the Relational Approach To Data

    In this week, we will cover the following topics: Data: that you can design the structure of data, including the relationships between data. The important of being able to uniquely identify datum within a set of data. How to accumulate relationships between data, as data, stored in tables. A brief look at a real word set of data known as Codepoint, and the limitations. ‘Programming’: the distinction between declarative programming and algorithmic … and will result in the following learning outcomes: An initial appreciation that it is good to be systematic in how data is represented. That data ‘keys’ allow us to access specific datum. Knowledge that tables can be used to store data and relationships between data. That real-word data is available, but not necessarily perfectly organised. A feeling for the kind of programming relevant for database interactions.

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