This unit provides an introduction to vectors. We begin by defining what is meant by the term vector and describe how we distinguish vectors from scalars. The main properties of vectors are presented and the concept of a position vector is introduced. We then look at operations on vectors such as addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication both algebraically and graphically. The idea of a unit vector is introduced and we look at how to express the position vector of a point, in two and three dimensions, in Cartesian components using the standard unit vectors in the directions of the coordinate axes. The unit closes with a look at how to calculate the scalar (dot) product of two vectors.
The Students' Ideal VLE
Presentation Materials for 'The Students' Ideal VLE' DDE Presentation. Learn more about what your students want from Learning Edge (Blackboard) and how you may be able to provide it for them. From an overview of student views informed by the Annual Student eLearning Survey, you will be able reflect on your current use of technology and how you may be able to enhance your practice in the future.