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MSc Thesis – Discoverability Strategies for OERs
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    MSc Thesis – Discoverability Strategies for OERs
    MSc Thesis – Discoverability Strategies for OERs
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    MSc Thesis - Discoverability Strategies for Open Educational Resources: A Scoping Study

    With an early focus on achieving a critical mass of released open educational content, challenges of how resources can be found by beneficiaries has been highlighted as a major issue. As we move forward further research and investigation is required to understand the most effective approaches of reaching out to and engaging a globally dispersed population of education users. In 2014 I conducted a small scale scoping study into the discoverability strategies identified as being used by higher education institutions releasing OERs in the UK. This was mapped against a body of literature on our understanding of user behaviour for online resource discovery and the technologies available to support this to identify trends and gaps as opportunities for improvements. Please note this report was not originally written for publication. I hope however it is of value to the open education community and will act as a starting point for further research in this area.

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