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Number of items: 43.


UbiCamp for Staff
Justin Bradley . 18 Mar 2015 16:46

UbiCamp for Students
Justin Bradley . 18 Mar 2015 16:38

UbiCamp Videos
Justin Bradley . 18 Mar 2015 15:58

Overview slides with screenshots

Learning Technologies
Justin Bradley . 17 Dec 2014 16:23

An introduction to Learning Technologies at the University of Southampton for PCAP / PGCAP

An Introduction to Learning Technology
Justin Bradley . 09 Oct 2013 22:12

A few slides used in 2013 class to introduce the subject of learning technology

The Open Education Movement: OERs and MOOCs
Justin Bradley . 24 Apr 2013 21:03

This presentation is based around a conference keynote presentation developed in April 2013.

Group Work and Time Management
Justin Bradley . 26 Feb 2013 09:10

Presentation motivating the activities around group work /teamwork and personal managment

Formal Technical Report Writing, Referencing and Academic integrity
Justin Bradley . 11 Feb 2013 12:26

How to present a technical report and maintain academic integrity - supported by a range of on-line activities

COMP1205 W1 Independent Learning and Using Your Time
Justin Bradley . 29 Jan 2013 00:38

An introduction to learning at University

Introduction to Professional Issues COMP 1205
Justin Bradley . 29 Jan 2013 00:32

Explains how this module is organised, and the motivation

Does Facebook ruin your job Prospects?
Justin Bradley . 29 Apr 2012 11:21

News Report: Every Potential 2040 President Already Unelectable Due To Facebook:YouTube fake American news item (2min 39secs) in which all possible candidates are excluded because of something they show on Facebook. And Could your Facebook page ruin your job prospects? - A Guardian article that suggests that employers may be more tolerant than supposed.

Institutional Personal Learning Environments – Paradise or Paradox? A Digital Literacies Perspective
Justin Bradley . 25 Apr 2012 09:42

This was my keynote presentation at Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2012, in Porto. It looks at the importance of digital literacies and how VLEs do not support their developmeng and looks at iPLEs as an alternative.

Adaptation and Personalisation
Justin Bradley . 25 Apr 2012 08:14

(with notes in powerpoint)

Personal Learning Environments and Digital Literacies
Justin Bradley . 14 Mar 2012 08:42

This is a version of a seminar/keynote talk I have given a few times. It argues that VLEs are no longer fit for purpose and that students should learn to take responsibility for their own toolsets.

Learning Objects, Interoperability and Standards
Justin Bradley . 07 Mar 2012 06:46

An introduction/overview to the whole issue of learning objects, interoperability and IMS specifications in Learning Technology

An Open Letter to Educators. Dan Brown's Rant about Universities
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2012 22:59

An (ex) student says what he thinks about the education systems and universities.

Computer Assisted Assessement
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2012 22:50

Introduction for UG course on TEL

Tools for Communication, Collaboration �and for Mobile Learning
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2012 22:43

Introduction as part of UG TEL course

Models of Learning and Motivation
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2012 00:05

A brief skim through educational theory intended for students registered on a single module in Technology Enhanced Learning. Startes with Blooms taxonomy, travles through instructivism and constructivism and on to theories of motivation/

Introduction to Research Methods
Justin Bradley . 08 Dec 2011 10:25

Just one lecture for first year. Its objective is to show that there exists more than on approach to tackling a research question - and that not all disciplines approach things the same way!

Learning, Teaching and Lesson Planning
Justin Bradley . 06 Nov 2011 22:56

This resource was designed for use with MSc Web Scientists as an introduction to a coursework that requires them to produce some teaching materials.

Timeline of Computing
Justin Bradley . 14 Oct 2011 14:11

Actually this is a timeline of Learning Technology but has all teh important dates in it

Abstraction: From Transistors to Computers and from Bits to Programs
Justin Bradley . 10 Oct 2011 09:16

Takes the Tanenbaum (Structured Computer Organisation) approach to show how application of successive levels of abstraction allow us to understand how computers are made from transitors and how they are programmed.

INFO 1010 CW3 Topics (2010)
Justin Bradley . 25 Nov 2010 13:37

List of topics for CW 3

Programming & Software
Justin Bradley . 14 Nov 2010 21:51

An overview of programming and software development.

Black Boxes and Abstraction or A quick run through how computers work
Justin Bradley . 08 Nov 2010 10:08

How we get from transistors through to logic gates to ALUs and memory to the stored program and the fetch execute cycle through to machine code and high level languages. Inspired by Tanenbaum's approach in "Structured Computer Organozation"

Web 2.0. What is it - and is it any different?
Justin Bradley . 26 Nov 2009 20:01

Looks at what Web 2.0 is, - people, business and technology and questions whether this is simply a continuation of Web 1.0

Spatial and Temporal Hypermedia
Justin Bradley . 19 Nov 2009 17:29

Overview of early work on Spatial and Temporal hypermeida

Open Hypertext
Justin Bradley . 19 Nov 2009 17:28

Lecture Notes on Open Hypertext

A survey of First Year Students on Arrival
Justin Bradley . 22 Oct 2009 22:35

Used to make students aware of the demographics of their cohort - and trends from previous years.

A guide to writing formal technical reports
Justin Bradley . 22 Oct 2009 21:45

A guide to writing formal technical reports for IT and CS students

Projecting Yourself On-Line
Justin Bradley . 22 Oct 2009 21:35

Discusses the difference between how a student might project themself in social software and on a web page. Also discusses some of the risks of on-line presence.

Approaches to Learning
Justin Bradley . 22 Oct 2009 20:46

Looks at some of the models of learning and discusses how they apply to university students

Writing a Technical Report for Electronic and Electrical Engineers
Justin Bradley . 15 Oct 2009 09:46

Has a mixture of factual information (conventions on how a report should be structured) and motivational information on improving writing and communication skills

Lecture on VLEs and MLEs
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2009 14:04

Powerpoint Lecture notes on Virtual Learning Environments and Managed Learning Environements

Les Carr explains the moral high ground on open educational resources
Justin Bradley . 23 Mar 2009 10:01

In this video, taken in front of the Parthenon at the Acropolis in Athens, Su White interviews Les Carr about why he asserts that there is a moral duty for teachers who create educational content to put that content in the public domain, rather than hoarding it in their institution.

How to Review a Paper
Justin Bradley . 02 Oct 2008 14:17

How to Review a Paper: A guide for newcomers and a refresher for the experienced.

Things to do with your first personal tutorial
Justin Bradley . 01 Oct 2008 22:24

This is an idea list of things you might wish to talk about with your personal tutees in the first few tutorials. It originates from ECS (Dave de Roure and Hugh Davis in particular) so some of the ideas might be particular to that School. If you have suggestions you would wish to have added please email them to hcd@ecs.soton.ac.uk, or please feel free to copy any parts of the document and make a list specific to your school. Please enter the new list in EdShare!

This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 02:23:15 2025 UTC.