iSpring Pro can publish your presentation into a single compressed .zip file. Once published you can upload your .zip file onto eShare which will then allow you share your presentations by putting a link to them into any Learning Edge module.
A one-page document recommending and linking to websites offering English Language help particularly for those with English as a second or additional language.
Powerpoint for (1Hr) Staff Development session.
Add variety to your course with audio. Learn the basics of podcasting and start recording your own episodes to share with your students.
Accessed through Learning Edge (Blackboard), podcasts are a user friendly, easy and constantly available way your students can embed their knowledge.
Lesson Objectives
Awareness of the concepts of podcasting
Awareness of the use of podcasting in an educational context
Reflect on your potential use of podcasting
Hands on creation and use of podcasts
To improve the learning practice of your presentation, iSpring includes a resources manager tool. This tool allows you to add, edit and delete the following to your presentation.
•Web References - links to external web pages
•File Attachments - links to local files, like .pdf or .xls documents or .jpg images.
The Presenters manager tool within iSpring allows you to add, edit and delete presenters in your presentation. iSpring Pro also allows you to add the Edge Hill University logo for each presenter. You can also set this to be a common logo that is applied to all presenters.
iSpring Pro gives you the opportunity to deliver audio and video narrations to your audience. There are two ways to add narrations to your presentation: importing existing audios and videos or recording them from within your PowerPoint via the tools available in iSpring.
iSpring Pro will give you the ability to enhance your PowerPoint presentations with rich media elements that can be published into a HTML5 presentation to give universal compatibility across a range of devices. This quick guide will show you to add YouTube videos and web objects into your presentations.
Presentation Slides for the 'Successfully managing online marking – A guide to using the Grade Centre in Blackboard' session. With an ever increasing use of Electronic Assignment Management (EAM) at Edge Hill through tools such as Turnitin, Assignment Handler, Blackboard Assignment and Blackboard Tests and also by inputting offline marks too (presentation, performance, artwork etc), it is increasingly vital that everyone is aware and confident of managing their part in this process.
The receipt of marking and feedback via online continues to be very high on the students’ expectations, so this session is designed to give you the skills to set-up and manage the processes to enable a good student experience. The session will allow lots of time for question and discussions on the many different EAM scenarios and requirement you may have.
Brief guide providing information on the research tool for nursing and allied health professionals called CINAHL Complete. Includes basic information on connecting and searching, focusing results and includes links to further help on effective searching technique.
Presentation Materials for 'The Students' Ideal VLE' DDE Presentation. Learn more about what your students want from Learning Edge (Blackboard) and how you may be able to provide it for them. From an overview of student views informed by the Annual Student eLearning Survey, you will be able reflect on your current use of technology and how you may be able to enhance your practice in the future.
Slides for 90 minute presentation November 2013.
Learn more about what your students want from Learning Edge (Blackboard) and how you may be able to provide it for them.
From an overview of student views informed by the Annual Student eLearning Survey, you will be able reflect on your current use of technology and how you may be able to enhance your practice in the future.
This brief guide explains how to get a ResponseWare account so you can enable your students to vote in Turning Point quizzes using their own devices. (Updated for October 2014)
One side of A4 which provides step-by-step instructions to help you use Tunring Point 5 in Common Learning Spaces. Includes advice about dealing with technical glitches.
The University’s strategy aims to increase the numbers of International Students studying here, and this brings particular challenges for the teaching staff. Do you sometimes wonder if your international students are able to fully engage with their studies? Have you been in a situation where the international students in your class seem very quiet and reluctant to engage in group discussion? Have you found a higher proportion of international students seemed to struggle with their assignments? This guide highlights some of the issues facing international students studying in the UK and it provides tips for teaching staff to use in order to maximise the internal students engagement in their studies. In addition the guide provides references to further reading and resources both within the University and externally. You can find this guide on your blackboard site: TTLLP-GPG: Good practice guide for supporting international students.
The production of the guide was funded by the Transition to Living & Learning Project.
Guide on how to create an Assignment dropbox using the Blackboard assigment tool and managing the Grade Centre to release grades and feedback. Also inlcluded guidance on Smart View and Downloading Reports
This is a presentation that introduces the envisioning (set up) stage of a project or case study. it sets envisioning in a framework of software engineering and agile methodologies. The presentation also covers techniques for engaging with stakeholders in the domain of the project: building a co-designing team; information gathering; and the ethics of engagement. There is a short section on sprint planning and managing the project backlog (agile using a burndown chart.
By default you may find that the Global Navigation course list doesn’t represent your recent activity. This guide shows how to set a cut-off date so that your most recent activity is listed correctly.
This is a batch file written to help students on ECS' Programming 1 course (COMP1202) using iSolutions machines which have the JDK, but do not add it to the PATH variable, making compilation from the command line difficult.
It attempts to find the JDK directory and add it to the Windows PATH.
The code is as follows:
@SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java
@javac -version
@echo %JDK_HOME%\bin successfully added to Windows PATH
@echo Now type 'javac'.
Network connectivity is reaching more and more into the physical world. This is potentially transformative – allowing every object and service in the world to talk to one other—and to their users—through any networked interface; where online services are the connective tissue of the physical world and where physical objects are avatars of online services.
This tool aims to help you identify the relevant and required Professional Body Standards for mentoring students within your chosen profession. Follow on-screen instructions to proceed and click on the home button on the right top corner to return to the start.
This toolkit is part of the Practice Learning Support Tool and it aims to provide you with three simple steps to facilitation of learning and assessment when working with learners in practice.
This is a set of slides and a tutorial exercise which we used to teach people the basics of RDF and how they can manipulate data in this format to make quite powerful web pages very simply. It is not intended as full introduction to RDF and it's subtleties the aim is to teach the very bare minimum to be able to do something quickly. It empowers programmers to go away and play with linked data.
This quick guide explains how to hide a Grade Centre column for Turnitin Assignments, so that students cannot view their marks (until the setting is altered).
This quick guide describes how to install and set up the Turnitin for iPad app so that you can evaluate your students work, give feedback and assign grades from your mobile device.
In 2013 Learning Services received a Blackboard Catalyst Award in recognition of our strategic approach to supporting the adoption of mobile technologies at Edge Hill.
This poster presentation illustrates how a multi-strand strategy, incorporating student support, staff development, communication, performance metrics and ongoing technical developments has been implemented to build a culture of mobile enhanced practice at the university.
A step-by-step guide to conducting a more thorough literature search using CINAHL via Ebsco. Useful for Postgraduates/researchers and more intermediate/advanced searchers. (Please note, for NHS staff access to the database is via My Athens and not via the Library catalogue).
A step-by-step guide to conducting a basic literature search using CINAHL via Ebsco. Useful for Undergraduates and beginners. (Please note, for NHS staff access to the database is via My Athens and not via the Library catalogue).
A presentation at the Blackboard Learning and Teaching Conference, Antwerp, 2012. Describes Edge Hill's rapid VLE 'journey' and the tools used for evaluation and understanding. It describes findings and themes identified after 4 years of survey data and how the student 'voice' is being used to inform decision-making and raise awareness at Edge Hill.
A presentation to the Heads of eLearning Forum (HeLF), at Strathclyde, march 2013. Discusses how findings from the annual EHU student eLearning Survey is used to identify and monitor trends, identify and resolve issues and inform planning.
Relates to the following software for analysing Blackboard stats
Is supporting material for the following podcast:
This guide will show you how to enhance your menu area within the default items already included. The two elements covered in this guide include linking the current Reading List item to your module reading list and linking the Subject Resources item to your subject page. All modules within Learning Edge should provide students with a link to their reading list and subject resources.
Description of a set student activity to create summaries of selected academic papers. Also contains small set of selected papers from which to choose two papers to read and summarise
Slides on presentations on the following topics:
2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview,
2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements
2.3 Crime online, Cyber security
2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation
Slides on presentations on the following topics:
1.1 Virtuality
1.2 New Business Models
1.3 Privacy and Personal Security
see for detailed briefs
This is the final report outlining the findings of our evaluation of a Widening Participation initiative involving young members of the Somali community in Brent, London.
For the 2013-14 Academic Year. This is a 'how-to' guide written to support the document 'Reassessment/Deferred Assessment: Summer 2014 - Arts & Sciences and Education Candidates' written by Helen Smallbone from Academic Registry.
This re on promoting an understanding of chsource was developed together with Ghanaians working in sport, physical activity and physical education following a workshop at the University of Ghana in summer 2012. It focusesildren’s rights and child protection in sport and, ipso facto, on preventing child abuse in sporting environments.
Slides and links to resources to introduce presentation skills.
See also notes on ECS module page:
Slides from expert lecturer, provides an overview of current UK legislation, explores perceptions and attitudes and how legislation affects the role of the IT professional. Includes links to additional material.
Slide to go with Panopto recording for MA Communication Design on best practice for mobile ui design and some basic JQuery Mobile Customisation.
Big thanks to
Jonathan Stark
Luke Wroblewski
Jared Spool
Without whom this would not have been made
How to ensure that your application stands out from the crowd - advice on creating your CV, making your application, preparing for interview and getting the job!!
In this lecture for a second year interdisciplinary course (part of the curriculum innovation programme) We explore the scope of social media analytics and look at two aspects in depth: Analysing for influence (looking at factors such as network structure, propagation of content and interaction), and analysing for trust (looking at different methods including policy, provenance and reputation - both local and global). The lecture notes include a number of short videos, which cannot be included here for copy-write reasons.
A presentation that identifies how to produce an integrated portfolio reflective of both theoretical understanding and practical engagement in the mentoring role.
An A-Z user guide specific to PCE000124 – PGCERT SPLD (DYSLEXIA)
The guide covers how to log in, how to access the links in the course menu, make best use of the discussion boards and much more.
This document lists descriptions of generic skills / personal attributes that are useful to consider in personal and professional development. It also describes some general competencies and offers some thoughts on how to create opportunities to achieve competence with a bias towards computer science & IT students. It is based on advice given by Career Destinations at the University of Southampton and other universities
Published on Jun 7, 2012 by icocomms
This ICO training video helps answer questions about the Data Protection Act, its impact on the working environment and how to handle and protect people's information. (Produced by Central Office of Information, Crown Copyright 2006)
This document outlines the grading boundaries for marking the technical report. It can be used for marking sample reports and peer review. The COMP1205 course team use it to show how they mark a sample report.
This document describes 6 scenarios from which students can choose the topic of their technical report, and outlines the formatting requirements for the report.
A document to support trainees and trainers across the Partnership in assessing, tracking and developing trainees’ knowledge, skills and understanding around Systematic Synthetic Phonics.
Learning Edge offers a rich learning environment for students and with the University's policy of establishing a minimum presence for every programme it is now an essential teaching, learning and support resource. This document explains the three main modes of engagement with virtual learning environments in general and Learning Edge in particular. It offers a means of articulating the online component of courses/programmes.