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Snapshot of the 'Teaching Practice in Higher Education' IOE LibGuide
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    Snapshot of the 'Teaching Practice in Higher Education' IOE LibGuide
    Snapshot of the 'Teaching Practice in Higher Education' IOE LibGuide
    Teaching Practice in Higher Education - full [docx]
    Teaching Practice in Higher Education - full [docx]
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    Teaching Practice in Higher Education - full

    This guide on teaching practice in higher education points to resources on good practice in teaching and learning in higher education. It is to be used in conjunction with the training provided by the UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education (Arena Centre)) and by the sessions put out by Arena. If there are aspects of teaching and learning that are not covered in this guide, please let us know by sending a message to ioe.information-literacy@ucl.ac.uk. The full collection is found here: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/252. The IOE LibGuide is found at: https://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/heteaching.

    Advice for reuse

    CC BY-SA 4.0 International. Recommended citation (Harvard): Bhimani, N. (2019). ‘Teaching Practice in Higher Education’. [OER] University College London, OER repository. London. URI: https://open-education-repository.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/252.


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