Two slides that can be copied to PowerPoint presentations to a) describe how students can vote and b) provide a QR code to simplify accessing the ResponseWare URL
This document describes how students can access polls using their own device (laptop, tablet or phone) using either a web browser or an iOS or Android app.
This interactive diagram provides an overview of the SLE at the start of 2015 - this vision is likely to evolve and further versions of the diagram will follow.
This brief guide explains how to get a ResponseWare account so you can enable your students to vote in Turning Point quizzes using their own devices. (Updated for October 2014)
One side of A4 which provides step-by-step instructions to help you use Tunring Point 5 in Common Learning Spaces. Includes advice about dealing with technical glitches.
This video offers advice about problems that might be encountered when running a presentation that was developed in Turning Point 4.0 on a computer with version 4.2 installed.
NOTE: With the upgrade to version 4.3, Turning Point now <b>automatically</b> fixes these issues when you load an older presentation. Hurrah!
This PowerPoint file can be used to run an end-of-module evaluation survey with the students providing their feedback using Turning Point zappers. It was developed for use in Health Sciences and includes questiosn specific to work placements. You will need to edit the template so that it includes your module name and tutor name(s) - you may want to edit or delete some of the questions as well.
This PowerPoint file can be used to run an end-of-module evaluation survey with the students providing their feedback using Turning Point zappers. It includes all the questions from the standard university survey (2011) except the three that require free-text-entry.
You will need to edit the template so that it includes your module name and tutor name(s) - you may want to edit or delete some of the questions as well.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
This 6-minute video is the fifth in a series introducing the new features of Blackboard 9. It shows the new default course menu items and shows how to adapt these after rolling over an existing course.
This 11-minute video focuses on how self and peer assessment could be used as an integral part of CIP modules, and discusses some innovative methods for assessing written work.
The first link is to the native Panopto podcast, which requires the Silverlight player to be installed. The second link is the MP4 video version of the podcast, which should play on all PCs, Macs and suitable mobile devices.
This share also includes links to the papers discussed in the video - these are also provided at the end of the script.
This 11-minute video provides some guidance on the learning technologies available at Southampton that can be used to support assessment and feedback. It was produced using the Panopto lecture capture system.
The first link is to the native Panopto podcast, which requires the Silverlight player to be installed. The second link is the MP4 video version of the podcast, which should play on all PCs, Macs and suitable mobile devices.
This share also provides a link to the video's script.
This 11-minute video shows you how to create a participant list that will enable you to record the scores of individual students as they answer a series of questions in a Tuning Point presentation. It shows you how those students can register their handsets in-class, so that you can distribute the handsets quickly at the start of the session.
This 7-minute video shows you how to make a recording using Panopto in locations where you have no internet access, such as another institution or on a field trip. It also shows you how to upload the recording when you get back to your office.
This 4-minute video shows students how they can access and download the MP3 and MP4 podcasts produced by Panopto. It also shows tutors how to disable podcasts if they wish.
This 6-minute video shows tutors how they can control access to recordings made using panopto. They can disable access completely, restrict access to specific individuals or make a recording available to anyone in the world.
This short 7-minute video outlines the main legal issues around lecture capture: copyright, student rights and lecturer rights. It includes detailed advice about the types of material that you should not record, as well as showing how to check whether material can be used.
This 10-minute presentation introduces e-theses, outlines their benefits and the issues they raise and describes the process requird to create and submit them.
It is available as an Adobe Presenter slideshow, as an MP4 video and as a YouTube video with optional captions for accessibility.
This short 3-minute video show how you can make a recording available to anyone on the internet and how to restrict access again. It also shows how to disable and re-enable student access to a specific recording.
This 8-minute video shows you how to edit a recording made using the Panopto lecture capture system. You can access the recording via its Blackboard course, trim the start and end points, remove sections from the middle, and save the edit as a new (separate) version.
This 3-minute video shows how you can share documents during an Adobe Connect meeting - for example showing a Word document or Excel spreadsheet to the other participants.
This 8 minute video provides a step-by-step guide for tutors wishing to use zappers (Turning Point) in a Common Learning Space with Windows 7 and Office 2010.
This 17 minute video provides a step-by-step guide to assembling the separate chapters of a thesis into a single document. It shows you how to ensure continuous page numbers and separate chapter headers, as well as auto-generating a table of contents and table of figures.
This short (10 minute) video provides students with an overview of the ways in which computers and the internet are used to support their learning. It introduces some really useful resources and shows you where to find help if you need it.
This short (4 sides of A4) document provides advice to tutors about essential and recomended practices, organisational principles, blended learning, accessibility and copyright.
Vector graphic files for the Uffington White Horse in PDF, AI (Adobe Illustrator EPS) and SVG formats. I manually traced these from a photo using Xara Xtreme.
This narrated slideshow (8 minutes) shows how UK copyright law applies to an example book and explores how a tutor can make copies of selected chapters to distribute to students
This PowerPoint file is a template for an A1 poster based on the new University branding. It is however only an example used in a workshop and is provided 'as is' - for example the University logo does not include any School name.
This is a recording of a talk given on 12 March 2010 by Tom Chapman of Headstream, a marketing company who specialise in the use of digital social media to promote products and brands.
This short 3 min video shows how Camtasia Studio can be used to record the audio of a lecture alongside the moment-by-moment votes recorded using Turning Point.
This 10-minute video shows you how you can include image files in your thesis. By using the University template and special styles, you will be able to automate their numbering and references to them in the text, as well as generate tables of figures.
This step-by-step guide introduces the PowerPoint 2010 features that can be used to create attractive posters. For example, guidelines to help elements align neatly and text boxes with margins.
A two-minute video that shows you how to edit an existing meeting in Adobe Connect so you can re-use that meeting room for a new date, time and (if needed) different participants.
A 4-minute video that shows how students with dyslexia or visual stress can change the text and background colours in Adobe Acrobat Reader to suit their needs.
A PowerPoint used to start a discussion about the nature of e-learning, and showing how Blackboard can be used to support independent learning by students.
This 4-minute video describes how to use the Turning Point Participant Monitor to review the performance of the whole group and individual students during a lecture.
This 7-minute video describes how Turning Point's Showbar can be used to manage questions during a presentation and includes useful techniques such as peer instruction and data slicing.
This 7-minute video shows you how to create a web-conferenced meeting using Adobe Connect, welcome the participants, communicate using sound and video, and share resources.
This 5-minute video describes how you can assess how confident your students were with their answer choices so you can adapt your teaching appropriately.
This video is for students with specific learning differences that mean that they are entitled to use a computer to type written examinations rather than writing them longhand. It show them how to use the special AER workstations that provide a cut-down version of Microsoft Word and absolutely no access to the Internet.
This step-by-step guided worksheet and accompanying PowerPoint file introduce some key skills:
- reorganising slides and bullets
- creating speaker notes
- printing slide handouts
- including hyperlinks
- adding images
Simple stuff, but many find it useful - it uses Office 2004 (XP)
This is a two part audio podcast designed to provide advice and guidance for students at the University of Southampton.
Transcripts for each part of the podcast are also provided.
This PowerPoint can either be used by itself the first time you use zappers with your students, or you can copy the slides to your own presentation. Students are shown how to vote using the zapper handset, and it includes a sample question "what did you drink for breakfast this morning?" so they can see how it works and test that their handsets are working. Now updated for Office 2010.
This resource is now obsolete and has been replaced by
This PowerPoint is an animated step-by-step guide that shows tutors how to use zappers in a teaching session. It covers starting the PC, distributing the zappers, plugging in the receiver, starting the software, running the presentation and managing voting, saving data at the end and collecting the handsets. It takes around 5 minutes to view.
This animated PowerPoint shows how the Turnitin system can be used to check students' assignments againast a database of internet sources, journal articles and previous assignments.
A PowerPoint presentation used to support a skills development session for postgraduate students who wish to act as demonstrators in lab and workshop sessions.
This is a 5-minute narrated video that shows students how to assemble Dean and Stark distillation apparatus. It is in Flash Movie format and the ZIP file contains everything required - simply upload it to Blackboard as a package file, unpack it and use dean-and-stark.htm as the start page.
This list was generated on Fri Feb 28 20:28:42 2025 UTC.