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Number of items: 666.

Student Online Collaboration Tool
Justin Bradley . 20 Dec 2017 12:36

This guide shows staff how to setup a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Session for student collaboration, and where students are able to manage the session activity with or without supervision.

Online Collaboration
Justin Bradley . 20 Dec 2017 12:13

Blackboard Collaborate - Privileges and Permissions. This guide explains the different roles possible for users. Tutor can control how students participate in a collaborative online environment.

Student Feedback
Justin Bradley . 18 Dec 2017 10:21

GCU Students' Association President Kevin Campbell discusses the opportunities students have to give feedback over the academic year.

Review Status coding
Justin Bradley . 13 Dec 2017 13:57

The Effects of Leg Spiral Kinesiology Tape Technique on Postural Sway in Clients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Quantitative Preliminary Study
Justin Bradley . 11 Dec 2017 13:18

Preliminary study investigating the effects of kinesiology taping on postural sway during quiet stance in a multiple sclerosis population.

CommonHealth Briefing Papers Series: Paper Number 3
Justin Bradley . 07 Dec 2017 14:00

This video introduces briefing paper number 3- a summary of the findings of an ethnographic study of Self Reliant Groups in Scotland

Collabo-break Session 3: GSBS 12 Apps of Christmas
Justin Bradley . 07 Dec 2017 11:49

Overview of the 2017 GSBS 12 Apps of Christmas event

GCPH Seminar Series 2017-2018, Lecture 2: Museums and Public Health in Glasgow - the Lessons of History.
Justin Bradley . 07 Dec 2017 10:43

Mark is the former Head of Glasgow Museums and Associate Professor, College of Arts, University of Glasgow. Museums all over the world are developing projects and programmes aiming to improve the health and wellbeing of their visitors, from dementia-friendly tours to art therapy, and from exhibitions promoting healthy living, to projects for people with mental health issues. Can museums make a difference to health and wellbeing? Even if they can, do museums have the capacity to make a real difference at a population level? This talk explored historical and recent evidence to formulate some conclusions about the potential of museums to improve health and wellbeing. Using Glasgow as an example, this talk explored the connected histories of public health and public museums, as products of the Victorian era. Leading politicians of the time made an explicit link between cultural provision, and museums in particular, with public health. But were they right to do so? The second theme of this talk was recent epidemiological evidence that cultural attendance – simply visiting a museum or art gallery – has an influence on people’s health to such an extent that regular attenders live longer than infrequent visitors. Today we face different disease challenges than those that faced the Victorians. The emergent disease conditions of the 21st century are poor mental health, loneliness, suicide, substance abuse and obesity. Against such a backdrop, what is the contemporary role of museums as part of a shared public sector contribution to human flourishing? And if museums do really make a difference to health and wellbeing, how can we maximise that contribution?

NCTL Letter to QTS Students
Justin Bradley . 06 Dec 2017 09:15

CPD Module CSS
Justin Bradley . 05 Dec 2017 23:39

CPD Icons
Justin Bradley . 04 Dec 2017 22:15

Justin Bradley . 02 Dec 2017 13:57

Week 11 - Relations on Sets
Justin Bradley . 30 Nov 2017 15:42

In this final unit of the current block we introduce the mathematical concept of relations between sets. We look at how relations differ from functions while noting that a function is actually a special types of relation. Different ways in which relations can be represented are discussed and include ordered pairs, arrow diagrams, matrices and directed graphs. Inverse and composite relations are briefly addressed before we investigate different types of relations (reflexive, symmetric and transitive) and methods for their classification. The important concepts of equivalence relations and equivalence classes are then described along with their properties. In closing the unit we look at the connection between equivalence relations and partitions of sets. The text is supported throughout with relevant examples and where appropriate references for further reading are provided.

Week 10 - Functions
Justin Bradley . 30 Nov 2017 15:31

In this unit, we look at the concept of a function and introduce some important functions that are fundamental in the study of mathematics and computing. The basic idea of a function is illustrated with a simple example before presenting some more formal definitions and terminology. A function defines a relationship between the elements of two sets and we present different ways to express this relationship including arrow diagrams, formulae, graphs and lists of ordered pairs. We look at how to identify whether a relationship is a function before considering whether functions meet specific criteria that classify them as one-to-one and/or onto functions. The idea of an inverse function is then presented and we illustrate how to calculate an inverse function when it exists and interpret the results graphically. The process of combining two, or more, functions through composition is then discussed. The unit closes with a brief look at some functions that commonly occur in computing and mathematics.

Research degree supervision criteria (RO-GRA-12G)
Justin Bradley . 29 Nov 2017 12:54

The criteria for all research degree supervisors, supervisory teams and specialist advisors.

test video
Justin Bradley . 24 Nov 2017 11:29


Learning Services KPIs
Justin Bradley . 24 Nov 2017 09:31

Performance in 2016 to 2017

CommonHealth Briefing Papers Series: Paper Number 2
Justin Bradley . 21 Nov 2017 14:38

This paper summaries the debates and discussions from seven Knowledge Exchange Fora held as part of the CommonHealth programme.

CommonHealth Briefing Papers Series: Paper Number 1
Justin Bradley . 21 Nov 2017 14:10

This paper provides a summary of the CommonHealth programme.

Learning Services Service standards
Justin Bradley . 20 Nov 2017 14:49

Performance October 2017

Learning Services Service standards:
Justin Bradley . 20 Nov 2017 14:47

How we performed October 2017

Research degree applicant shortlisting checklist (RO-GRA-15F)
Justin Bradley . 20 Nov 2017 12:02

To be completed by the recruiting department for each application received to join a research degree. Offers will not be sent unless the Graduate School has received a completed checklist.

Research project registration - confirmation of training (RO-GRA-22F)
Justin Bradley . 20 Nov 2017 11:04

Research degree students should include a completed copy of this in their research project registration submissions, as evidence that they have completed the mandatory training in semester 1 and 2.

Calendar links
Justin Bradley . 16 Nov 2017 13:00

Classroom Interaction Apps - November 2017 – Post Session Notes
Justin Bradley . 16 Nov 2017 13:00

An introduction to the range of apps that support voting and other online activities in the classroom.

12 Apps of Christmas
Justin Bradley . 13 Nov 2017 13:26

Ormskirk Room Locator
Justin Bradley . 12 Nov 2017 21:25

GCU Graduate School Forms
Justin Bradley . 10 Nov 2017 16:36

common pathology - knee
Justin Bradley . 10 Nov 2017 11:09

Common pathology - Hip
Justin Bradley . 10 Nov 2017 11:08

Justin Bradley . 09 Nov 2017 22:28

Justin Bradley . 09 Nov 2017 11:55

Foot and Ankle Pathology
Justin Bradley . 09 Nov 2017 11:55

Fuel spillage
Justin Bradley . 09 Nov 2017 11:23

Week 7 AEBP
Justin Bradley . 09 Nov 2017 08:29

Blackboard Collaborate - Student Lead Sessions|Presenter Role.
Justin Bradley . 08 Nov 2017 11:58

How to setup multiple sessions, apply the Presenter role to allow students to lead and manage a Blackboard Collaborate group session.

MRes Combining Disciplines
Justin Bradley . 06 Nov 2017 14:28

Week 6 AEBP
Justin Bradley . 02 Nov 2017 13:52

Tips for Care Staff to Help Meet Intimacy/Sexuality Needs of Older Care Home Residents/Service Users
Justin Bradley . 01 Nov 2017 14:31

The Older People's Understandings of Sexuality (OPUS) research group (headquartered at Edge Hill University) has produced practical guidance for care staff/service providers to help them enable older care home residents or service users to meet their own needs realting to sex, sexuality and intimacy.

Claims to Knowledge
Justin Bradley . 31 Oct 2017 15:53

Using Trello for Developing Fully Online Modules
Justin Bradley . 31 Oct 2017 11:51

case study of use of Trello for learning design

The Resources of Critique
Justin Bradley . 28 Oct 2017 07:13

MRes Social Sciences programme

Common Pathology - Elbow
Justin Bradley . 27 Oct 2017 10:44

Common Pathology - Shoulder
Justin Bradley . 27 Oct 2017 10:44

Common pathology - Hand
Justin Bradley . 27 Oct 2017 10:42

Common Pathology - Wrist
Justin Bradley . 27 Oct 2017 10:41

Pure repository policy document
Justin Bradley . 26 Oct 2017 10:45

Includes takedown policy. Version 1.

Pure repository deposit licence
Justin Bradley . 26 Oct 2017 10:43

Version 1 of the deposit licence.

GCPH Seminar Series 2017-2018, Lecture 1: The journey from prison to parliament.
Justin Bradley . 26 Oct 2017 10:19

The majority of people in Scotland’s prisons come from marginalised communities of profound deprivation and poverty. Their lives are generally shorter, their levels of addiction higher and their mental health wellbeing poorer than the wider population. This raises questions as to whether incarceration is a civilised and just response to structural disadvantage. Can the experience of prison be reimagined to set people on positive trajectories? And if so, how can the range of other services tasked with transforming lives understand the place of ‘dark experiences’? This talk will explore and share some of the progress that has been made in changes to Scottish policy, practice and legislation by sharing the lived dark experience of punishment with those who can bring about purposeful and systemic change. It will consider ways the involvement of people who do not see themselves as having a role to play in justice could bring about a reduction in offending and re-offending in Scotland. It will explore the role of prison as a step on a road to change, thereby reducing the number of victims and levels of harm.

HR Badge of Excellence Documentation.
Justin Bradley . 25 Oct 2017 15:57

Action plans and reports from 2015-17.

Week 5 AEBP
Justin Bradley . 24 Oct 2017 14:14

RefWorks User Guide
Justin Bradley . 23 Oct 2017 16:16

Learning Services Apps
Justin Bradley . 23 Oct 2017 16:15

Seniors USP SOP: C04 Use of activPAL
Justin Bradley . 23 Oct 2017 15:16

This is a standard operating procedure from the Seniors USP (Understanding Sedentary Patterns) study. This SOP is for use of activPAL

Data Analysis
Justin Bradley . 23 Oct 2017 11:33

Images optimised for presentations
Justin Bradley . 23 Oct 2017 11:29

A selection of images optmised and free for you to use in your presentations

Getting Started with Online Submission, Digital Marking and Feedback
Justin Bradley . 19 Oct 2017 15:35

This short guide provides an overview of digital approaches to submission of coursework, marking and feedback at GCU

Introduction to Assessing Digitally
Justin Bradley . 19 Oct 2017 15:16

This short guide provides a brief introduction to digital forms of assessment.

ARUK Lateral ankle
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 15:40

ARUK Medial Ankle
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 14:19

ARUK Tibialis posterior
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 14:16

ARUK Plantar MTP joints
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 14:14

ARUK Midtarsal Joints
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 14:08

ARUK Dorsal MTP transverse
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 13:45

ARUK Anterior Ankle Joint
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 13:38

ARUK Achilles tendon
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 13:20

GCU Turnitin 2017
Justin Bradley . 17 Oct 2017 12:02

A video guide on how to submit to Turnitin and view feedback in Feedback Studio

Foot and Ankle Sonoanatomy
Justin Bradley . 13 Oct 2017 15:22

Second File Type - Apple File

Week 4 - Logarithms
Justin Bradley . 13 Oct 2017 08:41

The previous unit introduced the term exponent to represent the repeated multiplication of a number by itself. For example, the exponent tells us how many times we need to multiply the number 10 by itself to obtain 1000, i.e. three times as 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000. Here the base is 10 and the exponent is 3. We now consider the closely related topic of what power a number must be raised to in order to obtain another number. The number being raised to the power is called the base and value of the power is called the logarithm.

Sonoanatomy- Hand and Wrist
Justin Bradley . 12 Oct 2017 13:28

Collabo-break Session 1 (October 2017)
Justin Bradley . 12 Oct 2017 13:09

Introduction to using collaborate ultra from Allan Thomson

Justin Bradley . 12 Oct 2017 11:28

Week 3 AEBP
Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 19:10

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 15:57

H264 compressed version

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 15:39

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 15:39

Accident report form.
Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 15:35

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:51

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:46

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:35

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:33

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:31

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:29

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:28

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 10:23

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 09:57

Justin Bradley . 11 Oct 2017 09:46

Justin Bradley . 10 Oct 2017 15:37

Sonoanatomy- Knee
Justin Bradley . 10 Oct 2017 15:36

Sonoanatomy - Hip
Justin Bradley . 10 Oct 2017 15:34

Sonoanatomy - Elbow
Justin Bradley . 10 Oct 2017 15:32

The "How do I?" intranet site.
Justin Bradley . 10 Oct 2017 14:41

Short explanation of the "How do I?" intranet site for GCU staff.

Accessible texts template.
Justin Bradley . 09 Oct 2017 14:08

A template for use by GCU library and disability team staff.

Mass Simulation
Justin Bradley . 06 Oct 2017 15:30

Live recording of Mass Simulation delivered in GCU

Justin Bradley . 06 Oct 2017 14:10

Better Blended Learning
Justin Bradley . 05 Oct 2017 11:22


Vision Science
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2017 15:39

Evaluating Arguments
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2017 14:49

Identifying Arguments
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2017 14:49

PGR training timetable
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2017 14:48

Short induction videos from the Base.
Justin Bradley . 03 Oct 2017 13:41

A set of short induction videos produced by GCU Base staff relating to the Dynix system.

The Uses and Role of Theory
Justin Bradley . 02 Oct 2017 14:38

Week 2 additional content
Justin Bradley . 02 Oct 2017 13:09

The Scientific Method
Justin Bradley . 02 Oct 2017 10:57

How to search for a journal via GCU Library
Justin Bradley . 29 Sep 2017 13:20

Video clip shows how to find and download a journal paper via GCU Library.

Academic skills offer
Justin Bradley . 28 Sep 2017 10:43

Process - student representation
Justin Bradley . 26 Sep 2017 14:51

Flowcharts depicting the processes of student representation for research degrees.

Physical demands of training and competition in collegiate netball players
Justin Bradley . 26 Sep 2017 13:59

We investigated the physical demands of netball match-play and different training activities. 13 Eight collegiate netball players participated in the study. Heart rate (HR), rating of perceived 14 exertion (RPE), and accelerometer player load (PL) data were collected in four matches and 15 fifteen training sessions. Training sessions were classified as skills, game-based, traditional 16 conditioning, or repeated high intensity effort training. Accelerometer data was collected in 17 three planes, and was normalized to match-play/training time (PL/min, forward/min, 18 sideward/min and vertical/min). Centres had a higher PL/min than all other positions (Effect 19 size; ES = 0.67-0.91), including higher accelerations in the forward (ES = 0.82-0.92), sideward 20 (ES = 0.61-0.93) and vertical (ES = 0.74-0.93) planes. No significant differences (p > 0.05) 21 were found between positions for RPE and peak HR. Skills training had a similar PL to match-22 play. However, the mean HR of skills training was significantly lower than match-play and all 23 other modes of training (ES = 0.77-0.88). Peak HR for skills training (186 ± 10 beats.min-1) 24 and traditional conditioning (196 ± 8 beats.min-1) were similar to match-play (193 ± 9 25 beats.min-1). There were no meaningful differences in RPE between match-play and all modes 26 of training. The centre position produces greater physical demands during match-play. The 27 movement demands of netball match-play are best replicated by skills training, while 28 traditional conditioning best replicates the HR demands of match-play. Other training modes 29 may require modification in order to meet the physical demands of match-play. 30 31

Forwarding university email to another email account
Justin Bradley . 21 Sep 2017 16:33

Tutorial for students explaining how to forward university email to another email account

Lecture 3.4 Sample 2
Justin Bradley . 21 Sep 2017 16:06

LDC advice on case study report

Mumford Method
Justin Bradley . 21 Sep 2017 14:03

Research Questions
Justin Bradley . 21 Sep 2017 13:59

UniSkills online toolkits
Justin Bradley . 20 Sep 2017 15:59

Justin Bradley . 20 Sep 2017 14:53

This short video explains the benefits of Eduroam and how GCU students can access this roaming service.

Images for Ask Us
Justin Bradley . 20 Sep 2017 10:53

Images used alongside replies to FAQs

Techniques Booklet
Justin Bradley . 18 Sep 2017 12:42

Library Induction Video 2017 : part 6 - print credit.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 13:29

Video clip showing how to manage your print credit.

Library Induction Video 2017 : part 5 - compact shelving.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 13:28

Video clip showing how to use the compact shelving.

Library Induction Video 2017 : part 4 - Self Issue.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 13:26

Video clip showing how to use the self issue machines.

Library Induction Video 2017 : part 3 - The Library Desk.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 13:20

Video clip on services available at The Library Desk.

Library Induction Video 2017 : part 2 - Lapsafe.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 13:19

Video clip on using Lapsafe to borrow laptops.

Library Induction Video 2017 : part 1 - IT.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 13:17

Video clip on our IT services.

Getting Started with Collaborate Ultra: Finding your way around the interface
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 09:49

Quick overview guide to the Collaborate Ultra Interface

Getting Started with Collaborate Ultra: Setting Up a Session in GCU Learn
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 09:45

Quick overview guide to setting up a Collaborate Ultra session in GCULearn

How to embed edShare items in web pages and GCULearn modules.
Justin Bradley . 14 Sep 2017 07:54

Step by step instructions on how to embed and link to various edShare content types.

Setting up your reading lists in GCULearn.
Justin Bradley . 13 Sep 2017 14:51

Version 2, setting up list so that they appear on the blue content menu.

Introduction to AEBP
Justin Bradley . 12 Sep 2017 13:22

Intro by Gordon

Student Status Letters
Justin Bradley . 12 Sep 2017 09:13

A short video on how to order a student status letter via MyService. These can also be used for Council Tax purposes for those not living in the Glasgow City Council area.

Week 1 & 2: Solving Equations (Repackaged)
Justin Bradley . 12 Sep 2017 07:31

In this section we introduce the concept of an equation and present techniques for solving different types of equations. We firstly look at the algebraic solution of linear equations in one variable before moving on to simultaneous linear equations and then quadratic equations. In all cases a geometric interpretation is presented along with details on how to graph the relevant functions. At appropriate locations throughout the document links are provided to enable access to further resources at the Mathcentre and the Khan Academy websites.

Learning Services August 17 performance & Service Standards.
Justin Bradley . 11 Sep 2017 15:23

How we performed August 2017

Justin Bradley . 11 Sep 2017 14:06

Resilient Glasgow.
Justin Bradley . 11 Sep 2017 13:08

Glasgow is one of the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities (100RC). Through membership of the 100RC Network, Glasgow has developed a resilience strategy, Our Resilient Glasgow (hyperlink), that acts as a roadmap to greater resilience looking further into the 21st century. The strategy was developed with reference to the four essential dimensions of urban resilience: health and wellbeing, economy and society, infrastructure and environment, and leadership and strategy. This short animation tells the story of the City’s resilience journey to date.

Lecture 1.3 - The Transformation Model
Justin Bradley . 08 Sep 2017 13:26

Without voice over

Campus Tours
Justin Bradley . 05 Sep 2017 14:29

Icons for presentations - SVG
Justin Bradley . 05 Sep 2017 12:59

A selection of business icons in various colours for staff to use in their presentation slides.

GCU Library web site workflow.
Justin Bradley . 01 Sep 2017 13:50

A general guide for the use of the library web group.

Software tests
Justin Bradley . 01 Sep 2017 10:57

Justin Bradley . 01 Sep 2017 10:46

Complicity as Political Rhetoric: Some Ethical and Political Reflections
Justin Bradley . 31 Aug 2017 19:39

Chapter of a book - (2017) Complicity as Political Rhetoric: Some Ethical and Political Reflections in Afxentis, A, Dunford R and Neu M (eds. 2017) Exploring Complicity: Concepts, Cases and Critique London: Rowman and Littlefield p35-52

Managing your library account
Justin Bradley . 25 Aug 2017 17:51

How to view and renew your loans, request items already out on loan and pay any fines.

Finding Academic Journal Articles
Justin Bradley . 25 Aug 2017 16:23

How to find academic journal articles using the library's Discover search

Finding books and ebooks
Justin Bradley . 24 Aug 2017 18:57

How to find books and ebooks using the Library's Discover search.

Test FlipSnack
Justin Bradley . 24 Aug 2017 14:24

Staff Guides
Justin Bradley . 24 Aug 2017 11:04

GCU Similarity Policy - Appendix B - Interpreting Originality Reports
Justin Bradley . 23 Aug 2017 11:37

Staff guide to interpreting originality reports

GCU Similarity Policy Appendix C - Student Guide
Justin Bradley . 23 Aug 2017 11:35

Student guide to online submission

GCU Similarity Policy - Appendix A - Staff Guide
Justin Bradley . 23 Aug 2017 11:33

Overview guidance for staff on online submission

GCU Online Module Peer Review Checklist
Justin Bradley . 22 Aug 2017 08:58

Checklist to be used for peer reviewing of online/blended modules.

Read&Write Gold 11 Quick Card
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:49

A quick overview of the main features of Read & Write Gold Text to Speech software.

Useful features of Read & Write Gold 11
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:48

This guide introduces you to some of the most common and useful features of Read&Write Gold Text to Speech Software.

Creating a mindmap with Inspiration 9.0
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:45

This guide takes you through the process of creating a mindmap and exporting it to Microsoft Word. It is an excellent technique for planning written work.

Useful features of Claro Read
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:39

This guide explores the most common and useful features of Claro Read Text to Speech Software.

MindView 6.0 - Exporting a mindmap to MS Word
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:36

This guide explains how to export a MindView 6.0 mind map to Microsoft Word.

Creating a basic Mind-map with MindView 6.0
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:34

This guide explains the process of creating a simple mind map using MindView 6.0

Good2CU Welcome Video
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:15

SpLD Support Guide and Learner Agreement
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:09

This document details what to expect when you receive Specialist One to One Study Skills Support (Band 4) from the SpLD team at Edgehill University. The document also explains the complaints procedure.

Handbooks (flipbooks)
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 14:03

Packaged files for flipbook handbooks

The Idols of Organisation Theory: From Francis Bacon to the Dilbert Principle
Justin Bradley . 21 Aug 2017 10:32

Journal of Management Enquiry 2001 Vol 10 (4) pp 285-297

Lecture Capture
Justin Bradley . 18 Aug 2017 12:00

A series of guides and papers around the use of lecture capture at Edge Hill

Digital Capture of Lectures and other L&T Activities
Justin Bradley . 18 Aug 2017 11:46

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to academic and administrative staff with regard to the University’s expectations regarding the use of the system for the recording of lectures and other group-based learning and teaching activities

Justin Bradley . 18 Aug 2017 09:21

Transcript_360cam Photography – Paramedics get the all around experience.
Justin Bradley . 17 Aug 2017 13:08

Alternative method of accessing video content for the following title: 360cam Photography – Paramedics get the all around experience.

GCU Online Registration
Justin Bradley . 17 Aug 2017 09:52

Camtasia Hot Keys
Justin Bradley . 16 Aug 2017 15:19

Camtasia Where is it now
Justin Bradley . 16 Aug 2017 15:18

Full Registration Video
Justin Bradley . 16 Aug 2017 15:16

A complete guide to help with online registration

Log in to Registration and Portal
Justin Bradley . 16 Aug 2017 14:22

Video showing how to log in and start the online registration process

Good2CU Promotion Video
Justin Bradley . 16 Aug 2017 08:51

Online induction promotional video

Images for Ask Us FAQs
Justin Bradley . 16 Aug 2017 08:33

Adding permalinks using discover.
Justin Bradley . 15 Aug 2017 15:12

A short guide to adding permalinks to GCULearn and other systems.

Email images
Justin Bradley . 15 Aug 2017 12:37

Justin Bradley . 15 Aug 2017 10:17

Faculty of Health & Social Care CPD (PPE)

Mapping your Network Drive on Windows 10
Justin Bradley . 15 Aug 2017 09:42

This video demonstrates how to map your network drive on your Windows 10 machine.

Power as a health and social justice issue.
Justin Bradley . 14 Aug 2017 08:20

The Community Empowerment Act is an important new piece of Scottish legislation with opportunities to reduce health inequalities through the redistribution of power – but that depends on us really understanding what power is, where power lies and how this relates to health. In addition to the film we have created four short excerpt videos, each outlining a different concept within the main animation, as well as a transcript for accessibility

SHLS Video Wall
Justin Bradley . 04 Aug 2017 09:07

Various talking head videos of staff and students from the School of Health & Life Sciences

New2GCU SHLS Video Wall
Justin Bradley . 04 Aug 2017 09:01

Short talking head videos from members of staff and students in the School of Health & Life Sciences

Icons for presentations - PNG
Justin Bradley . 02 Aug 2017 12:02

A selection of business icons in various colours for staff to use in their presentation slides.

Welcome to the Library 2017
Justin Bradley . 31 Jul 2017 14:54

Introduction to the Library Services here at GCU.

DCEC Mentor Training
Justin Bradley . 27 Jul 2017 11:18

Justin Bradley . 25 Jul 2017 12:43

Introduction to Graph Theory - Part 3
Justin Bradley . 24 Jul 2017 13:58

An important application when working with trees is the ability to search them for data they may hold. In this section we describe two algorithms for searching trees: depth first search (DFS) and breadth first search (BFS). These two algorithms have simple variations for searching digraphs and graphs but these are not followed up here.

Introduction to Graph Theory - Part 2
Justin Bradley . 21 Jul 2017 10:04

The graphs that we have met up to now have all been undirected graphs in the sense that the edges have no orientation. In this section we extend the notion of a graph to include graphs in which “edges have a direction”. These kind of graphs are known as directed graphs, or digraphs for short. As shown in the diagram below the direction of an edge is defined so that movement between two vertices is only possible in the specified direction. The terminology for digraphs is essentially the same as for undirected graphs except that it is commonplace to use the term arc instead of edge. Digraphs can be used to model real-life situations such as flow in pipes, traffic on roads, route maps for airlines and hyperlinks connecting web-pages. We have actually encountered the concept of a digraph before in an earlier unit when we looked at relations on sets. In Section 3.3 of that unit, which was optional, we described how a relation R could be represented diagrammatically by a digraph as an alternative to using an arrow diagram or a matrix.

Introduction to Graph Theory
Justin Bradley . 18 Jul 2017 15:27

In recent years graph theory has become established as an important area of mathematics and computer science. The origins of graph theory however can be traced back to Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and his work on the Königsberg bridges problem (1735)

Learning Technology Development Division Contacts
Justin Bradley . 12 Jul 2017 08:53

The Learning Technology Development Team are here to help staff and students make the best use of technologies for teaching and learning. Please contact us for advice, ideas or to chat about getting started with technologies, or doing more to enhance your student experience.

Information Security Awareness Refresher for Focus Groups
Justin Bradley . 11 Jul 2017 08:03

This short video provides a brief overview of the information security modules released in 2016.

review form
Justin Bradley . 06 Jul 2017 08:35

Week 8: Introduction to Number Theory
Justin Bradley . 27 Jun 2017 14:16

In this section we draw on the ideas from elementary number theory that were presented in the last two sections to demonstrate how these methods are applied in the field of cryptography. Some well-known ciphers are introduced and the relevant encryption and decryption processes are described.

Extension request form (RO-GRA-19F)
Justin Bradley . 26 Jun 2017 15:07

Research degree students should complete this form when seeking an extension to a submission deadline.

Justin Bradley . 26 Jun 2017 12:53

Learning Activities Quick Planning Template
Justin Bradley . 22 Jun 2017 10:27

template for planning learning activities

Constructive Alignment Worksheet
Justin Bradley . 22 Jun 2017 10:18

Activity worksheet for constructive alignment of modules

Writing Learning Outcomes Worksheet
Justin Bradley . 22 Jun 2017 10:15

Activities for writing learning outcomes

Title: Aenean tellus metus bibendum sed
Justin Bradley . 21 Jun 2017 11:06

Summary: Nulla sit amet est. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam.

Week 7: Introduction to Number Theory
Justin Bradley . 21 Jun 2017 08:34

As the modulus, m, increases in size it quickly becomes impractical to use multiplication tables or trial and error to find inverses. The Extended Euclidean Algorithm provides a significantly more efficient method for determining the inverse of an integer a modulo m, when it exists. We first show how the Extended Euclidean algorithm can be used to write the GCD of two integers a and m as a linear combination of these integers. If we define d = gcd(a, m) we seek integers x and y such that ax + my = d. In the special case when d = 1 we show how the value of x in the linear combination represents the inverse of a modulo m.

BDP installation notes
Justin Bradley . 21 Jun 2017 08:27

Week 6: Introduction to Number Theory
Justin Bradley . 21 Jun 2017 08:14

In this unit we introduce some elementary concepts from number theory that are used in many modern ciphers and related security systems. We start with some basic definitions before discussing the division algorithm which lies at the heart of the important Euclidean algorithm. The discussion then moves on to look at prime numbers and describes how prime factorisation can be applied to express any integer, greater than one, as a product of primes. The concept of a greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers is described and we discuss how prime factorisation can be used to calculate this quantity when the numbers are relatively small. We then introduce the Euclidean algorithm which provides an efficient method for calculating the GCD of two integers regardless of their size.

Building the GCU UK copyright advisor.
Justin Bradley . 16 Jun 2017 10:05

A description of how and why the library created an online copyright advisor.

Student Home page
Justin Bradley . 13 Jun 2017 11:48

Student Email
Justin Bradley . 13 Jun 2017 11:46

Password reset system
Justin Bradley . 13 Jun 2017 11:31

How to change your password using the Password reset system

GCU Learn
Justin Bradley . 13 Jun 2017 11:02

Students view of GCU Learn

Finding OERs.
Justin Bradley . 12 Jun 2017 14:22

Some tips on finding and using open educational resources (OERs) on the internet.

GCU Learn - ICT Skills
Justin Bradley . 12 Jun 2017 10:02

Tutorial for students explaining GCU Learn

University Email - ICT Skills
Justin Bradley . 12 Jun 2017 09:51

Tutorial for students explaining how to access university email

Changing Password Online - ICT Skills
Justin Bradley . 12 Jun 2017 09:39

Tutorial for students explaining how to reset a password online via the Password Reset System

Number Systems Part 2
Justin Bradley . 08 Jun 2017 07:55

In the previous section we saw how to add and subtract binary numbers provided the numbers and the corresponding results are non-negative. We now look at how negative numbers are represented by computers and how calculations involving negative numbers are performed.

Number Systems Part 1
Justin Bradley . 08 Jun 2017 07:50

In this unit we provide a general introduction to number systems and discuss how numbers are represented by computers. We start with a look at the three main systems that occur in computing applications; decimal (base 10), binary (base 2) and hexadecimal (base 16) and describe methods for converting between these three bases. A (very) brief discussion is also presented on conversions involving other bases such as octal (base 8). We then apply the basic techniques we use to add and subtract decimal numbers to enable us to perform these operations manually for binary numbers. The discussion moves on to look at how computers store and represent positive and negative numbers and the concept of signed and unsigned binary numbers is introduced. We present different approaches used by computers for storing numbers with the focus on two’s complement representation. The unit closes with a brief look at a selection of bitwise operators, supported in programming languages such as Java and C, to operate on binary numbers at the bit-level by treating them as strings of bits.

Pre ICT Induction
Justin Bradley . 05 Jun 2017 13:57

Propositional Logic 2
Justin Bradley . 05 Jun 2017 10:59

The laws of logic, given in the tables of logical equivalences, provide an alternative method for: proving whether or not compound propositions are logically equivalent. proving a proposition is a tautology, or a contradiction, or neither of these. simplifying compound propositions.

GCULearn Module Template
Justin Bradley . 02 Jun 2017 13:41

Default GCULearn module template explained

Getting Started with GCULearn
Justin Bradley . 02 Jun 2017 13:39

Quick guide to GCULearn for staff

Global Buddies
Justin Bradley . 02 Jun 2017 11:02

This is a video of Sam and Kirstie one set of our Global Buddies, answering some question on what they think of the Global Buddies program.

International Welcome Week
Justin Bradley . 02 Jun 2017 10:57

Promotional video highlighting the benefits of attending International Welcome Week if you're an international student new to GCU. Interviews are with current international students who took part in the week.

RPL - A Student's Guide
Justin Bradley . 30 May 2017 15:05

RPL - A School's Guide
Justin Bradley . 30 May 2017 15:02

RPL - An Assessor’s Guide
Justin Bradley . 30 May 2017 14:49

RPL - An Advisor's Guide
Justin Bradley . 30 May 2017 14:44

GCU Open Access to Research Policy.
Justin Bradley . 30 May 2017 12:47

2014 GCU policy on open access to research.

Sutori intro
Justin Bradley . 25 May 2017 15:25

Introduction to Sutori page

ALC Peer Review Checklist
Justin Bradley . 25 May 2017 09:41

Peer review checklist used for reviewing modules being delivered via the ALC

Propositional Logic 1
Justin Bradley . 25 May 2017 07:31

In this unit we present an introduction to propositional logic, a branch of science that is fundamental in the study of mathematics and computer science. The origin of logic dates back to the 3rd century BC and the Greek philosopher Aristotle who developed the earliest form of logical theory through rules for deductive reasoning. Modern mathematical logic is generally recognised as having started with the work of German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz in the 17th century. In the 19th century two English mathematicians, George Boole and Augustus De Morgan, are credited with extending the work of Leibniz and introducing symbolic logic. Other notable contributors to the development of propositional logic include the mathematicians, Gottlob Frege in Germany and Charles Pierce in the USA. The unit begins with a brief overview of some of the terminology that features in propositional logic and the main logical operators (connectives) that are used in the construction of propositions are discussed in detail. Two special types of proposition known as tautologies and contradictions that are respectively always true or false are then described. The concept of logical equivalence is presented before we look at translating propositions from English to their corresponding symbolic form and vice-versa. The idea of a truth table, introduced earlier during the discussion on connectives, is then presented in further detail and we demonstrate how these tables can be used to prove properties such as logical equivalence. We then discuss how logical equivalence can be used to simplify propositions, identify tautologies and contradictions and prove identities. Next we look at how to determine whether a mathematical argument is valid or invalid based on how well the premises support the conclusion. To close the unit we briefly look at the role logic in computing, including simplifying expressions in computer programming and system specification.

Morning Tea
Justin Bradley . 24 May 2017 14:48

Sutori Padlet Morning Tea

Library and Archives Champions Role
Justin Bradley . 23 May 2017 09:44

Describes the role of a Library and Archives Champion.

IT Project Management 1: Week 10 - Data Protection
Justin Bradley . 19 May 2017 07:32

Definitions DATA Information recorded in a form in which it can be processed by equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose PERSONAL DATA Information relating to a living individual who can be identified from that information or that and other information in the possession, or likely to come into the possession, of the Data Controller. It includes any expression of opinion about the individual and any indication of intention of the Data Controller or any other person in respect of that individual

IT Project Management: Week 9 - Professional Issues in IT Projects
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 15:26

Learning Outcomes On completion of this module, students should be able to: Compare and apply techniques and tools for estimating, scheduling and monitoring a software project Explain basic project management concepts (including project planning, scheduling, control and configuration management; and techniques for cost estimation

IT Project Management 1: Week 8 - Project Procurement and Stakeholder Management
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 15:03

Learning Objectives Understand the importance of project stakeholder management throughout the life of a project Discuss the process of identifying stakeholders, how to create a stakeholder register, and how to perform a stakeholder analysis Describe the contents of a stakeholder management plan Explain methods for controlling stakeholder engagement Discuss types of software available to assist in project stakeholder management

IT Project Management 1: Week 7 - Project Quality Management
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 14:45

Learning Objectives Understand the importance of project quality management for information technology (IT) products and services Define project quality management and understand how quality relates to various aspects of IT projects Describe quality management planning and how quality and scope management are related Discuss the importance of quality assurance Explain the main outputs of the quality control process Understand the tools and techniques for quality control, such as the Seven Basic Tools of Quality, statistical sampling, Six Sigma, and testing Summarise the contributions of noteworthy quality experts to modern quality management Describe how leadership, the cost of quality, organisational influences, expectations, cultural differences, and maturity models relate to improving quality in IT projects

IT Project Management 1: Week 6 - Risk Management
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 14:21

earning Objectives Understand what risk is, its relationship to project management and the importance of good project risk management Categories of risk and their effect on IT projects Techniques for managing risks including: Risk management planning, risk identification, risk analysis, risk response planning and risk monitoring and control

IT Project Management 1: Week 4 - Project Planning and Scheduling
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 14:14

Learning Objectives the project life cycle Discuss the strategic planning process and apply different project selection methods Describe project management plan development, understand the content of these plans, and review approaches for creating them Explain the importance of creating a project charter to formally initiate projects

IT Project Management 1: Week 3 - Project Life Cycle
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 14:09

Learning objectives: Understand the concept of a project phase and the project life cycle, and distinguish between project development and product development Discuss the unique attributes and diverse nature of IT projects

IT Project Management 1: Week 2 - PRINCE2 & Organisation Structure
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 13:59

earning Objectives Compare and apply techniques and tools for estimating, scheduling and monitoring a software project Explain basic project management concepts (including project planning, scheduling, control)

ALC EEE2 Lecture
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 12:40

IT Project Management 1: Week 1 - Introduction to Project Management
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 11:47

Understand the growing need for better project management, especially for information technology (IT) projects Explain what a project is, provide examples of IT projects, list various attributes of projects, and describe the triple constraint of project management Describe project management and discuss key elements of the project management framework, including project stakeholders, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and project success Discuss the relationship between project, program, and portfolio management and the contributions each makes to enterprise success Understand the role of project managers by describing what they do, what skills they need, and career opportunities for IT project managers Describe the project management profession, including its history, the role of professional organisations like the Project Management Institute (PMI), the importance of certification and ethics, and the advancement of project management software

Library Guide 2017.
Justin Bradley . 18 May 2017 07:38

A5 leaflet style library guide.

CGC CPD Resource: Mapped Examples, Common Good Attributes
Justin Bradley . 16 May 2017 14:08

Mapping the Common Good Attributes within the programme - examples of completed template required for programme Approval/Review

CGC CPD Resource: Insert for Programme Handbook
Justin Bradley . 16 May 2017 13:51

Insert Required fro Programme Handbook about: What is the Common Good Curriculum? Examples of where and how the common good attributes are developed within the programme include: Insert examples ( What is taught /how it is taught/how it is assessed) within the programme

CGC CPD Resource: Questions, Answers, Key Contacts
Justin Bradley . 16 May 2017 13:42

What is the Common Good Curriculum? What is involved in embedding the Common Good Attributes within programmes? What is the Common Good Curriculum mapping template and process? Do the ‘Common Good Attributes’ replace the ‘GCU 21st Century Graduate Attributes’? What support is available to help staff embed the Common Good Attributes within the curriculum? How can students be encouraged to develop Common Good Attributes outside the taught curriculum? KEy GCU Contacts for Common Good Curriculum

CGC CPD Resource: Introduction
Justin Bradley . 16 May 2017 13:38

This guide provides support for staff in embedding the Common Good in the taught curriculum on formal programmes. Information provided includes: • Common Good Curriculum: Questions, Answers and Key Contacts • Overview of GCU Core Values, Behaviours and Common Good Attributes • Insert required for Programme Handbooks • Documentation required for Programme Approval and Review • Examples of completed Programme Approval and Review mapping template

Common Good Curriculum CPD Staff Guide
Justin Bradley . 16 May 2017 13:30

A Guide to Embedding the Common Good Curriculum in the Taught Curriculum

IES 1 Mauritius - (Welcome)
Justin Bradley . 15 May 2017 14:40

Research Proposal & Dissertation documents
Justin Bradley . 15 May 2017 12:45

Documents available to download from website GSBS LDC Academic Writing, Research Proposal & Dissertation http://www.gcu.ac.uk/gsbs/ldc/academicwriting/researchproposalanddissertation/

Library Regulations revised 2017
Justin Bradley . 15 May 2017 09:57

GCU library regulations revised 2017.

Process: offers & checks (RO-GRA-06P)
Justin Bradley . 12 May 2017 14:47

For staff use. A flowchart showing the checks that must take place before an offer of a place on a research degree can be made.

Action for Refugees Conference flyer
Justin Bradley . 12 May 2017 09:31

Action for Refugees Conference We are delighted to invite you to this important, free, one day event organised by staff and students in the Faculty of Education at Edge Hill University. The conference will provide an opportunity for delegates to increase their knowledge and understanding of the refugee crisis. A unique element of the event will be a live link to a refugee camp in the town of Alexandria, Northern Greece. Delegates will be able to learn first-hand regarding: - Relevant research undertaken by academic colleagues. - The work being done by agencies working with refugees. - Practical support provided by staff and students to refugees and those working in response to the crisis. Workshops will support staff and students of the Faculty of Education to better able to meet the learning requirements of refugee learners. The overall aim of the conference is to provide a multi-faceted, positive, response to the refugee crisis that results in a greater understanding of and practical support for those involved.

Library Induction Video 2016 : part 1 - printing.
Justin Bradley . 10 May 2017 13:37

Video clip on how to print in the library.

Library Induction Video 2016 : part 2 - group study spaces.
Justin Bradley . 10 May 2017 11:54

Video clip on group study spaces.

Library Induction Video 2016 : part 3 - using the smart tables to find a book.
Justin Bradley . 10 May 2017 11:46

Video clip outlining how to use the smart tables to find a book.

Library Induction Video 2016 : part 5 - how your librarians can help you.
Justin Bradley . 10 May 2017 11:27

Video clip outlining the help in finding information available from subject librarians.

Library Induction Video 2016 : part 4 - refreshment options in the library.
Justin Bradley . 10 May 2017 10:57

Video clip outlining the refreshment options within the library.

Citing and Referencing video tutorials
Justin Bradley . 09 May 2017 15:26

A series of short videos explaining Citing and referencing

Three steps to open access.
Justin Bradley . 09 May 2017 13:07

A short guide to open access compliance.

Week1 Lab And Tutorial New
Justin Bradley . 05 May 2017 12:50

Preparatory Material
Justin Bradley . 04 May 2017 14:14

Week 4 - Relational data modelling II: from ER diagrams to the data schema
Justin Bradley . 03 May 2017 13:30

In this week, we will cover the following topics: Optionality and cardinality. Types of relationships between different tables (one to many, many to one etc..). Keys: foreign keys and primary keys. Modelling time-dependent data. Physical design: data types and sequencing. … and will result in the following learning outcomes: An understanding of optionality and cardinality. An understanding of many-to-one, one-to-many kinds of relationships between data. Knowledge of how to accumulate time-relevant data into tables. An appreciation, from examples given, that databases are critical in the real world, e.g., for keeping freight systems in motion (and therefore our fridges stocked with food).

Week 3 - Relational Data Modelling I:modelling processes and the language of sets.
Justin Bradley . 03 May 2017 13:23

In this week, we will cover the following topics: What modelling is, and specifically what data modelling is. What data modelling involves in real-world situations (modelling cycle) Some visual design conventions used in relational database design. The language of sets … and will result in the following learning outcomes: An understanding of the general modelling cycle and how database designers might liaise with business clients. An appreciation for the fact that good design needs an good appreciation of the data domain, and the data in the domain. An understanding that of the mathematical language of sets. An appreciation that understanding this language will help inform database queries.

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) user guide.
Justin Bradley . 03 May 2017 13:18

A step by step guide to using Box of Broadcasts for GCU library users.

Week 2 - Introducing the Relational Approach To Data
Justin Bradley . 03 May 2017 13:13

In this week, we will cover the following topics: Data: that you can design the structure of data, including the relationships between data. The important of being able to uniquely identify datum within a set of data. How to accumulate relationships between data, as data, stored in tables. A brief look at a real word set of data known as Codepoint, and the limitations. ‘Programming’: the distinction between declarative programming and algorithmic … and will result in the following learning outcomes: An initial appreciation that it is good to be systematic in how data is represented. That data ‘keys’ allow us to access specific datum. Knowledge that tables can be used to store data and relationships between data. That real-word data is available, but not necessarily perfectly organised. A feeling for the kind of programming relevant for database interactions.

Week 1 - Introduction to database systems
Justin Bradley . 03 May 2017 13:07

In this week, we will cover the following topics: Data: what (and examples of where) it is. How data might be stored on a computer. Examples of where data might be useful. Spreadsheet data storage. Distinction between data and derived information. What databases are. What relational database systems are. How relational approach sits with other approaches to databases. … and will result in the following learning outcomes: An appreciation of what data is and how structured data can be stored. Knowledge that data is very important. An appreciation of how databases are different to more traditional data storage approaches. An understanding that relational databases, the focus of this course, are not the only kind of database that exist.

Citing & Referencing SAMPLE 1
Justin Bradley . 02 May 2017 14:49

Sample document to support Citing & Referencing - Academic Writing

CSI Promotion
Justin Bradley . 02 May 2017 09:16

Copyright for use in higher education
Justin Bradley . 28 Apr 2017 13:04

Short videos which make up part of a staff training course on GCULearn.

GCU Data Extraction Update April 2017
Justin Bradley . 27 Apr 2017 14:03

Interview with Ken Fraser and Sheila MacNeill about progress in data extraction as part of the Jisc Learning Analytics programme.

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto – Student Voice
Justin Bradley . 27 Apr 2017 13:58

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto – Student Voice.

Work Simulation (GLA)
Justin Bradley . 27 Apr 2017 12:08

Introduction to Referencing
Justin Bradley . 26 Apr 2017 13:33

Referencing Activity
Justin Bradley . 26 Apr 2017 13:25

GCPH Seminar Series 2016-2017, Lecture 6: 'Can do' - Flourishing in the 21st Century.
Justin Bradley . 26 Apr 2017 10:44

Drawing on recent research on learning-through-doing, and on projects that bridge craft and health, this lecture explores what craft contributes to wellbeing and flourishing lives.

Referencing Quiz
Justin Bradley . 25 Apr 2017 13:55

Work Simulation (safe)
Justin Bradley . 24 Apr 2017 12:40

A version of the work sim showing all links

Justin Bradley . 21 Apr 2017 15:20

Quick ebook log in help
Justin Bradley . 21 Apr 2017 10:24

No Sound

Portfolios in OT
Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 14:51

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Tutoring_The Student Voice
Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 10:21

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Tutoring_The Student Voice".

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:59

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:59

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:59

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:59

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:58

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:58

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:58

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:58

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:57

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:57

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:57

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:56

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:56

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:47

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:46

Justin Bradley . 20 Apr 2017 07:45

Justin Bradley . 19 Apr 2017 14:18

Justin Bradley . 19 Apr 2017 14:14

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto
Justin Bradley . 19 Apr 2017 12:49

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto

Principles of Assessment
Justin Bradley . 19 Apr 2017 11:18

Learning Services FOHSC Spring Update 2017
Justin Bradley . 19 Apr 2017 10:48

Leanring Services Update to be used at programme boards across FOHSC

Learning Services Spring Update 2017
Justin Bradley . 19 Apr 2017 10:42

Update from Learning Services to be presented at programme boards and team meetings

HCI - Lecture Week 12
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 12:02

HCI - Lecture Week 11
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 12:00

HCI - Lecture Week 10
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:56

HCI - Lecture Week 6
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:47

HCI - Lecture Week 5
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:45

HCI - Lecture Week 4
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:34

HCI - Lecture Week 3
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:28

HCI - Lecture Week 2
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:18

HCI - Lecture Week 1
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 11:14

Learning Services Services Standards, March 2017
Justin Bradley . 12 Apr 2017 10:48

Performance vs Service standard March 2017

Methodology Example 1
Justin Bradley . 10 Apr 2017 10:52

Methodology Example 1 document available to download from GSBS, LDC, Academic Writing, Research Proposal & Dissertation, Dissertation, Methodology

Health and Social Care Alliance
Justin Bradley . 04 Apr 2017 15:32

Lecture and discussion given by Kerry Gilligan and Marie Anne Brennan

Elec Mach test 2
Justin Bradley . 31 Mar 2017 15:08

Justin Bradley . 31 Mar 2017 08:19

Setting up a successful focus group version 2
Justin Bradley . 30 Mar 2017 13:06

Tips exist as text rather than image

GCPH Seminar Series 2016-2017, Lecture 5: Inequality and Scotland - measures of despair and signs of hope.
Justin Bradley . 28 Mar 2017 08:33

The talk describes recent trends in inequality and health in affluent countries and suggests that the UK and USA have become very unusual compared with global trends - with Scotland suffering as a result. There are signs of hope that people in these two, no longer very united, states are now beginning to realise that the growth of inequalities has caused, and is still causing, widespread harm. Signs of hope from elsewhere in the world where inequalities in many other places are much lower and/or falling are also explored.

Dissertation example 1 and 2
Justin Bradley . 27 Mar 2017 15:18

Example documents for dissertation Academic Writing

Setting up a successful focus group
Justin Bradley . 27 Mar 2017 14:34

list of tips for Setting up a successful focus group

Moving references from Cite This for Me into RefWorks
Justin Bradley . 27 Mar 2017 13:37

Brief guide to exporting references out of Cite This For Me

Organic Reaction Mechanism Learning and Revision: Student Booster Pack
Justin Bradley . 25 Mar 2017 22:40

This is a set of resources which are available for students studying organic chemistry, particularly at AS and A Level in the UK. You will complete a problem set at the appropriate level, and will then mark your own work with reference to 'Talking Mark Schemes', videos produced by expert who talks through the answers to the questions. During the research project which created these resources, we found that >85% of students stated that completing the self-assessment process was beneficial to their understanding of organic reaction mechanisms. Click on the link to the briefing video in the window to the left to get full information on this activity. These activities are based on teaching innovations we have developed for use with Chemistry students here at the University of Southampton, and we would welcome your feedback if you find them useful.

Qualitative Data Collection, Types of interview
Justin Bradley . 24 Mar 2017 14:51

replacement scolls

Trnascript_Full Grade Centre Average Attendance Record
Justin Bradley . 23 Mar 2017 13:06

Alternative method of accessing video content for the following title: Full Grade Centre Average Attendance Record - Youtube link: https://youtu.be/rB4qUqxSJ00

LTD Video Transcripts
Justin Bradley . 23 Mar 2017 12:58

Alternatives to video recording

UX and the VLE – Meg Juss #BbTLC17
Justin Bradley . 23 Mar 2017 10:39

Conference Presentation. Case Study: Looking at the Usability of Learning Edge (Blackboard) Through Our Students’ Eyes

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice – (Accessible Exam) The Student Voice.
Justin Bradley . 23 Mar 2017 09:59

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice – (Accessible Exam) The Student Voice.

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching
Justin Bradley . 22 Mar 2017 13:10

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching" - YouTube link: https://youtu.be/NEDe1-JMjps

Referencing and plagiarism
Justin Bradley . 22 Mar 2017 11:34

Entrepreneurial Leadership
Justin Bradley . 22 Mar 2017 11:27

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Tutoring
Justin Bradley . 22 Mar 2017 09:53

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Tutoring".

Introduction to the GCU Library
Justin Bradley . 21 Mar 2017 19:08

Introduction to using the GCU Library for distance business students. Contents include: accessing the GCU website; searching Discover for a book and on a topic; how to contact the Library

Week 11 - Case Study: Completing the program
Justin Bradley . 21 Mar 2017 16:08

In this final increment we will complete the GCU adventure game. This means we have to meet the following requirements that were not met in the previous increments: The sequence of turns should repeat until a command is given to quit At each turn, the player can type a command to specify the action which he or she wants to take during that turn The player should be able to ask for help during any turn instead of navigating Meeting these requirements will give a program that behaves like a game and allows the player to engage and interact with the game. It is worth noting that although the game is a very simple one which is not really fun to play, the model we have built, using sound object oriented principles and practices, would provide a solid basis for the development of a more complex and interesting version of the game.

Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Exam
Justin Bradley . 21 Mar 2017 15:03

Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: "Inclusive Digital Practice_Accessible Exam"

PSHE Guidance and Framework
Justin Bradley . 20 Mar 2017 12:03

Week 9: Set Theory - Part 2
Justin Bradley . 17 Mar 2017 14:43

In the sets we have seen up to now the elements are not listed in any particular order. An ordered n-tuple is a list of n elements arranged in a specified order and enclosed in parenthesis rather than curly brackets.

Celebrating Excellence: Enhancing the Student Experience
Justin Bradley . 16 Mar 2017 14:06

Keynote speaker Prof Mark Stubbs of MMU outlines transformational change based on cross-university collaboration and its impact on an improved student experience.

Justin Bradley . 14 Mar 2017 15:01

Justin Bradley . 14 Mar 2017 13:26

DCE table
Justin Bradley . 14 Mar 2017 13:04

Week 12 - Creating a Graphical User Interface
Justin Bradley . 14 Mar 2017 12:23

In this module you have been using the BlueJ IDE, which is ideal when you are learning to program in Java and work with classes and objects. However, you don’t need to use BlueJ to write programs, and most advanced and professional developers prefer to use one of a range of sophisticated IDEs that are available for Java and provide a wide range of features to make development as productive as possible and provide help with, for example, creating graphical user interfaces. This week you will learn to use NetBeans to create a simple graphical interface for a Java program.

Singly constrained spatial interaction model practical
Justin Bradley . 13 Mar 2017 13:07

Fitting a singly constrained spatial interaction model

Sustainable Hairdressing virtual salon
Justin Bradley . 10 Mar 2017 16:16

This resource provides advice and information on sustainable technologies and practices that can help hairdressing salons save energy, water and money.

Justin Bradley . 10 Mar 2017 16:15

Series of lectures on the background prevalence of dementia in the UK and real life examples from people living with dementia.

Vital Signs Monitor Clip
Justin Bradley . 09 Mar 2017 15:36

Audio free clip to allow academics to trim and add own audio as required

Professional doctorate cohort approval form (RO-GRA-16F)
Justin Bradley . 08 Mar 2017 12:08

To be submitted by departments for GSBoS approval when either proposing a new professional doctorate cohort or seeking renewal of an existing one.

Week 8: Set Theory - Part 1
Justin Bradley . 07 Mar 2017 09:27

Whether we realise it or not we come across sets, in one form or another, on an almost daily basis. It may be the modules you are studying on your course, or the groceries that you bought in the supermarket last night, or even the teams that qualified for the last 16 of the Champions League in season 2016/17! These are all examples of sets. This unit presents an introduction to sets starting with some basic definitions and an overview of the different ways in which sets are represented. The concept of a subset is introduced and conditions for the equality of sets are given. Operations on sets such as union, intersection and complement are described with the aid of Venn diagrams. We then discuss further set operations including partitions and Cartesian products before briefly considering computer representation of sets. The unit closes with a look at the union and intersection of intervals of the real number line when these intervals are represented as sets.

Week 7 - Matrices Part 2
Justin Bradley . 02 Mar 2017 12:20

In this unit we continue with our work on matrices. We describe how to calculate the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix and introduce the condition for the existence of an inverse matrix. A formula for calculating the inverse of a 2 x 2 matrix is presented supported by examples. Some applications of matrices in the real-world are then given, including solving linear systems of algebraic equations, computer graphics, cryptography and the modelling of graphs and networks.

The library web site
Justin Bradley . 02 Mar 2017 08:33

Presentation on the library web group and how it manages our website. Looks at design, management and the need for a style guide.

The RCT process
Justin Bradley . 01 Mar 2017 17:02

replacement for non compliant vers.

epistemology and methodology
Justin Bradley . 01 Mar 2017 12:03

replaces non-compliant previous version

Which bibliographic databases should I use
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2017 16:36

replaces earlier non compliant iteration

Assignment Guidance
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2017 15:04

Visual Impairment
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2017 14:28

Formulating stories
Justin Bradley . 28 Feb 2017 10:50

replacing earlier swiffy iteration

Justin Bradley . 26 Feb 2017 14:19

Justin Bradley . 26 Feb 2017 14:09

Justin Bradley . 26 Feb 2017 14:08

Justin Bradley . 26 Feb 2017 14:07

Justin Bradley . 26 Feb 2017 14:06

Poster Presentation
Justin Bradley . 23 Feb 2017 17:34

Interactive animation for Poster Presentation - Study Skills (The second file at 5mb is the most current version)

Week 6 - Matrices : Part 1
Justin Bradley . 23 Feb 2017 16:22

This unit introduces the theory and application of mathematical structures known as matrices. With the advent of computers matrices have become widely used in the mathematical modelling of practical real-world problems in computing, engineering and business where, for example, there is a need to analyse large data sets.

OSCE exemplar
Justin Bradley . 23 Feb 2017 14:17

OSCE exemplar
Justin Bradley . 23 Feb 2017 11:40

Leadership: Problem or Solution
Justin Bradley . 23 Feb 2017 09:27

Lecture by David A. Wylie Podiatry Services Manager and Professional Lead NHS Glasgow

searching the literature
Justin Bradley . 20 Feb 2017 13:36

to replace existing html file

Electric Machines, Photos, 2017
Justin Bradley . 17 Feb 2017 14:28

Use README file to see list of photos of transformers, motors, generators

Week 5 - Vectors
Justin Bradley . 17 Feb 2017 11:50

This unit provides an introduction to vectors. We begin by defining what is meant by the term vector and describe how we distinguish vectors from scalars. The main properties of vectors are presented and the concept of a position vector is introduced. We then look at operations on vectors such as addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication both algebraically and graphically. The idea of a unit vector is introduced and we look at how to express the position vector of a point, in two and three dimensions, in Cartesian components using the standard unit vectors in the directions of the coordinate axes. The unit closes with a look at how to calculate the scalar (dot) product of two vectors.

Science of Social Media - Project Launch
Justin Bradley . 16 Feb 2017 10:35

COMP6217 is based around a significant piece of group work - to create a design portfolio for a new social media website/app/tool/extension/platform. Teams work on their design throughout the semester, and keep a design and development blog that will act as a digital portfolio of their work. At the end of the semester they will also be asked to submit an individual reflective summary that will outline their teams objectives and progress, their part in its progress, and a critical analysis of whether or not they were successful. At the end of the course teams will be asked to pitch their ideas to an interdisciplinary Dragon's Den style panel who will expect them to not only have created something that is technical viable, but will also want to see other economic, social, legal and ethical factors taken into consideration. In this presentation we explain the structure of the group project, what is expected in the blog, brainstorm ideas, and explore some potential ideas to help students understand the scope of the work required. The outcome of the group project does not have to be a fully working piece of software, instead we are looking for a well developed idea that contains enough detail to be convincing to the panel.

LTD VR View Test
Justin Bradley . 16 Feb 2017 09:06

Justin Bradley . 15 Feb 2017 13:31

Falls Prevention
Justin Bradley . 15 Feb 2017 12:52

Incidence of Elderly Falls
Justin Bradley . 15 Feb 2017 12:45

ways of knowing
Justin Bradley . 15 Feb 2017 10:30

redeisgned for articulate to include the IOS android player

validity and reliability
Justin Bradley . 14 Feb 2017 17:00

remade based on earlier 4 spoke wheel animations

Cogs version 2
Justin Bradley . 13 Feb 2017 16:10

This is a new version complete with IOS android player

Evidence based practice process
Justin Bradley . 13 Feb 2017 14:26

newly created in storyline 2 including android and IOS player

Justin Bradley . 09 Feb 2017 14:43

This is the second trustworthiness animation and has been created to replace the original .swf file. This is IOS compliant

Hierarchy Typography balance of evidence
Justin Bradley . 09 Feb 2017 11:43

This version includes IOS player for android and ipads

How has your career progressed since graduating?
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 15:30

Former student of Ophthalmic Dispensing talks about her career progression since graduating from GCU

Which area would you like to specialise in?
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 15:25

Student discusses the reasons for specialising in Ophthalmic Dispensing

What was the most positive aspect of your course?
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 15:21

Student Reflections on the most positive aspects of learning on the Ophthalmic Dispensing programme

Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 15:19

How to find a journal paper via library website
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 15:10

The example journal paper is: Susan Morrow, Iain Cameron & Billy Hare (2015) The effects of framing on the development of the design engineer: framing health and safety in design, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 11:5, 338-359

Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 14:39

better framing

Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 14:31

Why did you choose this University?
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 13:19

Student recollections on why they chose GCU to study Orthoptics

Using the BrowZine app
Justin Bradley . 08 Feb 2017 11:38

Short user guide to the BrowZine app.

Recommended non-academic resources
Justin Bradley . 06 Feb 2017 19:57

Highlighting good resources for companies and industry information - IBISWorld, Mintel, FAME and Ft.com.

Critical appraisal of qualitative research
Justin Bradley . 06 Feb 2017 16:38

Allows the user to click through dexciptions of 9 stages of critical appraisal of qualitative reaearch with audio.

Using My Bookshelf on BrowZine
Justin Bradley . 06 Feb 2017 14:42

A step by step guide to the My Bookshelf function in BrowZine.

Research connecting communities
Justin Bradley . 06 Feb 2017 11:01

In this film, we set out to find out what difference social research has made to lives of people living in the East End of Glasgow. We spoke to different local groups and organisations to see what role research played in their plans, and what role research has to play in future.

Week 3 - Indices and Exponentials
Justin Bradley . 03 Feb 2017 11:46

This section introduces indices, also known as powers or exponents. Indices provide a shorthand method for representing the repeated multiplication of an expression by itself. A good understanding of indices, and the associated laws of indices, is essential when it comes to applying algebraic manipulation to simplify and solve mathematical expressions and equations.

FY-RTS 3 Portfolio Template
Justin Bradley . 02 Feb 2017 13:00

Portfolio Template Download this dotx template and use it to create your own version of the portfolio

Information sheet
Justin Bradley . 01 Feb 2017 14:05

Engineering & Technology Careers Fair 2017 Brochure
Justin Bradley . 31 Jan 2017 16:30

Introduction to all the companies attending the Engineering and Technology Careers Fair on 14 February 2017

Learning Services information for distance learners
Justin Bradley . 31 Jan 2017 15:24

9-page booklet giving step-by-step instructions on logging in, searching the library catalogue and using Discover More

Reporting Skills
Justin Bradley . 31 Jan 2017 14:27

How to write advisory reports for government and corporations

Sample video of GCU
Justin Bradley . 30 Jan 2017 16:27

Sample video of GCU to use for practice

Digital Storytelling
Justin Bradley . 30 Jan 2017 16:26

Justin Bradley . 30 Jan 2017 10:57

Survey example
Justin Bradley . 27 Jan 2017 10:45

Long-Term Conditions
Justin Bradley . 26 Jan 2017 15:29

Noise Policy
Justin Bradley . 24 Jan 2017 18:14

How to get ICT help
Justin Bradley . 23 Jan 2017 14:16

Week 3 - Agile Software Development (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 20 Jan 2017 14:38

This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies Week 3 lecture material on Agile Software Development

Week 1 and 2 - Solving Equations
Justin Bradley . 20 Jan 2017 12:29

n this section we introduce the concept of an equation and present techniques for solving different types of equations. We firstly look at the algebraic solution of linear equations in one variable before moving on to simultaneous linear equations and then quadratic equations. In all cases a geometric interpretation is presented along with details on how to graph the relevant functions. At appropriate locations throughout the document links are provided to enable access to further resources at the Mathcentre and the Khan Academy websites.

Copyright and your thesis
Justin Bradley . 20 Jan 2017 11:58

Presentation explaining the copyright issues that apply to your thesis. Also includes information on Creative Commons licensing and open educational resources. Based on original material created by Dr Jane Secker, LSE.

Using online peer assessment tools to provide feedback and promote learning
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 17:14

A set of slides used for the RAP SIG event on 19 Jan 2017

ICT Skills - Supporting video documents
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 17:10

Documents to support videos within the ICT Skills section of GSBS LDC website

Student Homepage video
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 15:39

GSBS Carpe Diem Session, 19 January 2017
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 15:23

Overview of Carpe Diem curriculum design session for online programmes

Geocoding in R
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 14:46

College Connect video
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 14:28

Short motion graphics video with student testimonials of College Connect, GCU.

Week 1 - Introduction to Software Engineering (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 13:15

This is the Tutorial and Lab to accompany Week 1 -Introduction to Software Engineering lecture material

Chapter 3 - Network Protocols and Communication (Activities)
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 09:11

This is the activities that accompany the lecture material Chapter 3 - Network Protocols and Communication

Chapter 2 - Configure a Network Operating System (Activities)
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 09:00

This is the activities that accompany the lecture material Chapter 2 - Configure a Network Operating System

Chapter 1 - Exploring the Network (Activities)
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 08:51

This is the activities that accompany the lecture material of Chapter 1 - Exploring the Network.

Week 12 - Case Studies (Fundamentals of Software Engineering)
Justin Bradley . 19 Jan 2017 08:39

Ethical dilemmas Disagreement in principle with the policies of senior management. Your employer acts in an unethical way and releases a safety-critical system without finishing the testing of the system. Participation in the development of military weapons systems or nuclear systems. Case studies A personal insulin pump An embedded system in an insulin pump used by diabetics to maintain blood glucose control. A mental health case patient management system Mentcare. A system used to maintain records of people receiving care for mental health problems. A wilderness weather station A data collection system that collects data about weather conditions in remote areas. iLearn: a digital learning environment A system to support learning in schools

Week 11 - Quality Management (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 19:59

This is the Tutorial and Lab for the Lecture material Week 11 - Quality Management

Week 11 - Quality Management
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 19:56

Topics covered Software quality Software standards Reviews and inspections Quality management and agile development Software measurement (in brief)

Week 10 - Introduction to Project Management and Planning (Tutorial)
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 19:43

This is the Tutorial for the Lecture material Week 10 - Introduction to Project Management and Planning

Week 10 - Introduction to Project Management and Planning
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 19:37

Topics Covered Project Risk Management Managing People Teamwork

Week 9 - Software Evolution (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 19:22

This is the Tutorial and Lab for the Lecture material Week 9 - Software Processes

Week 9 - Software Evolution
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 19:20

Topics covered: Test-driven development Release testing User testing Evolution processes Legacy systems

Week 8 - Software Testing (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 18:53

This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the Lecture material Week 8 - Software Testing

Week 8 - Software Testing
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 18:50

Testing can only show the presence of errors in a program. It cannot demonstrate that there are no remaining faults. Development testing is the responsibility of the software development team. A separate team should be responsible for testing a system before it is released to customers. Development testing includes unit testing, in which you test individual objects and methods component testing in which you test related groups of objects and system testing, in which you test partial or complete systems. When testing software, you should try to ‘break’ the software by using experience and guidelines to choose types of test case that have been effective in discovering defects in other systems. Wherever possible, you should write automated tests. The tests are embedded in a program that can be run every time a change is made to a system.

Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 14:50

THE7001 Digital Assessment Guide

PRESENT survey
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 11:44

Week 7 - Design and Implementation Approaches (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 09:58

This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the lecture material Week 7 - Design and Implementation Approaches

Week 7 - Design and Implementation Approaches
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 09:56

Design and implementation Is the stage in the software engineering process at which an executable software system is developed. activities are invariably inter-leaved. Design is a creative activity in which you identify software components and their relationships, based on a customer’s requirements. Implementation is the process of realizing the design as a program.

GCPH Seminar Series 2016-2017, Lecture 3: City neighbourhoods made by everyone for everyone.
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 09:12

Tessy Britton, Founder of Participatory City, London delivers the third lecture in this Seminar Series. Tessy describes the work of Participatory City and shares the research and analysis which has led to the development of a large scale Demonstration Neighbourhood in London. Participatory City is creating new structures designed to scale up practical participation, building collaborative activity into the fabric of everyday life and changing how we work together to achieve a more equal society. We all believe that people doing more things together will make our own and each other’s lives better. However, participation in neighbourhood projects is low. Wide spread participation in neighbourhoods is difficult to achieve and remains small and fragmented. While we stay attached to the notion of top down and bottom up we won’t be able to change the situation. Unless we redesign how participation works and invest in it properly we won’t be able to fully realise its potential as a key building block for building sustainable cities of the future. Realising the vision we have of vibrant places, made by everyone, for everyone, will require fundamentally changing the structures through which we work together.

Week 6 - Architectural Design (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 08:53

This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the lecture material Week 6 - Architectural Design

Week 6 - Architectural Design
Justin Bradley . 18 Jan 2017 08:51

Topics covered Architectural design decisions Architectural views Architectural patterns Application architectures

Week 5 - System Modelling (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 21:28

This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the Lecture Material Week 5 - Systems Modelling

Week 5 - Systems Modelling
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 21:22

Use case modelling Activity modelling Class modelling Database design

Week 4 - Requirements Engineering (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 20:43

This is the Tutorial and Lab that accompanies the lecture material Week 4 - Requirements Engineering

Week 4 - Requirements Engineering
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 20:37

This chapter is to introduce software requirements and to explain the processes involved in discovering and documenting these requirements in order to meet stakeholders' needs. You will : understand the concepts of user and system requirements and why these requirements should be written in different ways; understand the differences between functional and non-functional software requirements; understand the main requirements engineering activities of elicitation, analysis and validation and the relationships between these activities,. understand why requirements management is necessary and how it supports other requirements engineering activities.

Week 3 - Agile Software Development
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 20:09

Topics Covered Agile methods Agile development techniques Agile project management Scaling agile methods

Week 2 - Software Processes (Tutorial and Lab)
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 19:12

This is the Tutorial and Lab for Week 2 - Software Processes

Week 2 - Software Processes
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 16:30

Topics covered Software process models Process activities Coping with change Process improvement

Week 1 - Introduction to Software Engineering
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 15:12

Topics covered Professional software development What is meant by software engineering. Software engineering ethics A brief introduction to ethical issues that affect software engineering.

University Email video
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 12:58

GCU Learn video
Justin Bradley . 17 Jan 2017 11:15

Justin Bradley . 16 Jan 2017 11:14

MTD practice paper Q7 2016 solution

Founder members of INSsPiRE
Justin Bradley . 16 Jan 2017 05:34

Photo taken at first meeting of INSsPiRE in GCU London, December 2015

Justin Bradley . 16 Jan 2017 05:25

International Network of Stroke secondary Prevention REsearchers

Week 9 - Case Study: Developing, testing and documentation classes.
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 15:58

Programming 1 - Week 9 Case Study: Developing, testing and documentation classes.

Hook & Eye Writing (web)
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 15:03

Week 8 - Case Study: Creating an object-orientated program
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:49

Programming 1 - Week 8 Case Study: Creating an object-orientated program

Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:41

past paper tutorial 2016
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:41

Qwickly Attendance: Setting Up a Split Register
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:24

Staff guide on how to create and set up a split register in Qwickly Attendance.

Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:03

Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 14:01

Q2 video solution from PWs past paper questions 2016

Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 13:56

video solution to q1 from 2016 past papers

Week 7 - Algorithms and method calls
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 13:41

Programming 1 - Week 7 Algorithms and method calls

Week 6 - Writing Methods
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 13:16

Programming 1 - Week 6 Writing Methods

Week 5 - Object Interaction
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:55

Programming 1 - Week 5 Object Interaction

Week 4 - Adding Methods to a Class
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:29

Programming 1 - Week 4 Adding Methods to a Class

Week 3 - Creating a Java Class
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:23

Programming 1 - Week 3 Creating a Java Class

Week 2 - Writing Java Code
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:16

Programming 1 - Week 2 Writing Java Code

Week 1 - Introduction to object-orientated programming.
Justin Bradley . 12 Jan 2017 12:05

Programming 1 - Week 1 Introduction to object-orientated programming

THE7001 TEL Introduction Session Slides
Justin Bradley . 11 Jan 2017 17:49

THE7001 TEL Introduction Session Slides

Mannequin Challenge GCU Student Nurses
Justin Bradley . 11 Jan 2017 11:38

Final skills session before first placement. Looking good!

jQuery Example
Justin Bradley . 10 Jan 2017 13:10

jQuery show and hide

Justin Bradley . 10 Jan 2017 13:06

Hook & Eye Writing videos
Justin Bradley . 09 Jan 2017 16:21

A series of short animated motion graphics videos developed for GSBS LDC explaining Hook & Eye Writing.

Reaction Mechanisms Booster (Self-assessment resources)
Justin Bradley . 07 Jan 2017 21:09

This is a set of resources aimed at promoting the development of the skills required to successfully identify and generate organic mechanisms in order to demonstrate a good understanding of the underlying chemical principles. Students complete a task independently, and then mark their own work as they watch talking mark scheme videos where an expert explains how to get to the correct answers. Our research has shown that engagement with these resources is perceived to be highly beneficial by students, and leads to an increase in their confidence to tackle mechanistic problems. If you are a non-UK (or non-A-level) teacher, the terms AS and A2 may be meaningless to you, but the resources should still be useful for anyone studying organic reaction mechanisms. The worksheets are available in Word format, and you should feel free to edit these to meet the needs of your students and the course you are teaching. You can download the files individually by selecting them on the left and clicking download. Please watch the short briefing video on You Tube and read the teachers' notes carefully. Contact me on d.read@soton.ac.uk if you have and questions or comments. Additionally, I would like to thank Henry Pearson for suggesting the format of the alternative self-assessment proformas which you may choose to use with your students.

Matlab practical 5 solution -part 2
Justin Bradley . 06 Jan 2017 15:49

Starts with time series and fitting a harmonic Determine the residual to the seasonal cycle 04:40 Calculate the trend at a particular location 08:17 Calculate the slope everywhere using a loop 14:25 Map the slope 18:58 Make a movie 21:59

Reflection examples
Justin Bradley . 05 Jan 2017 15:34

Expanding the framework for reflection

How to Proofread
Justin Bradley . 04 Jan 2017 11:32

A 2-page Word document outlining the principles of proofreading an assignment with links to other resources

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