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example feedback for students following the completion of a portfolio - part of the Routes to Success module in the engineering foundation year.
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    example feedback for students following the completion of a portfolio - part of the Routes to Success module in the engineering foundation year.
    example feedback for students following the completion of a portfolio - part of the Routes to Success module in the engineering foundation year.
    1 file in this resource

    Example General Feedback on Routes to Success Portfolios

    This document provides example feedback which has been generated following the marking of a class set of portfolios. It is used as a part of the Routes to Success Module, specifically on the section titled Sustaining Success. Students can read the feedback prior to completing the portfolio to alert them to the possible shortfalls which may occur when they undertake this type of task. The feedback is introduced in the context that the task of completing the portfolio is a developmental one, and that students can expect to learn and improve their performance for this type of task as they develop and refine their skills.

    Advice for reuse

    It may be possible to use this document as the basis for customised advice to a different cohort who are asked to undertake this type of reflective task. This task was set for year zero students, however this type of feedback might equally be given to students at other levels of study

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